Corona pandemic: Travel to the USA possible soon after vaccination with recognized substances

Corona pandemic
Travel to the USA soon possible after vaccination with recognized substances

From November 8th, those foreigners who have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus with previously internationally recognized preparations will be able to return to the USA. Photo: Kostas Lymperopoulos / CSM via ZUMA Wire / dpa

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For around a year and a half, people from the EU and Great Britain have not been able to easily travel to the USA because of Corona. That should change from November – under certain conditions.

From November 8th, those foreigners who have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus with previously internationally recognized preparations will be able to return to the USA.

Vaccines that have received approval or emergency approval from the US FDA or the World Health Organization (WHO) would be accepted, the white announced in Washington on Monday. This currently applies to the preparations from Biontech / Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Sinopharm and Sinovac. Travelers would have to prove their vaccination status to the respective airline before boarding a plane to the United States, it said. A complete vaccination against the coronavirus is a prerequisite.

According to this, people are considered fully vaccinated at least two weeks after receiving their last required injection. The White House emphasized that a combination of two different vaccines would also be accepted here – provided the preparations were approved by the FDA or the WHO.

There are only a few exceptions to the vaccination requirement for international travelers, for example for children or people who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons. US citizens are exempt from the vaccination requirements for entry anyway.

According to the US government, travelers must generally present a negative corona test no longer than three days old in addition to their vaccination certificate. For unvaccinated persons who fall under the permitted exemptions, the test must not be older than one day. The airlines would also have to keep the contact information of passengers so that they can be notified of any corona cases, it said.

The easing comes after more than a year and a half of widespread entry bans for people from numerous countries, including residents of the EU and the UK.


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