Corona pandemic: ++ parts of Spain no longer high-risk areas ++

Live blog

Status: 08/22/2021 6:47 a.m.

Five holiday regions in Spain have ceased to be high-risk areas since midnight. The Robert Koch Institute reports nationwide more than 7000 new infections within a day. All developments in the live blog.

  • RKI reports more than 7000 new infections
  • Altmaier rules out further lockdown
  • Great Britain wants to test for antibodies en masse
  • Parts of Spain are no longer high risk areas

05:41 am

RKI reports more than 7000 new infections

In the past 24 hours, the health authorities nationwide reported 7,050 new infections with the coronavirus to the Robert Koch Institute. Last Sunday there were around 2,300 fewer corona cases within one day. In addition, the RKI reported three further deaths in connection with a corona infection.

The seven-day incidence continues to rise: it is now 54.5. Yesterday the value was 51.6.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the RKI has recorded around 3.86 million infections with the pathogen. Almost 3.7 people in Germany are considered to have recovered. The number of people who died with or with a proven infection with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 91,976.

05:22 am

Australia only wants to end lockdowns when the vaccination rate is high

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is moving away from an early abandonment of lockdowns in the fight against the corona pandemic. First, 70 percent of the population would have to be fully vaccinated. So far, however, only about 30 percent of the residents of Australia have been vaccinated twice against the pathogen.

05:09 am

Britain wants broad tests for antibodies

In the coming week, Great Britain wants to start testing its own population extensively for corona antibodies. The British media reported. The data obtained should also be used to gain knowledge about the body’s immune response to the various mutations of the pathogen.

04:46 am

Altmaier does not expect any further lockdown

The number of infections is rising again nationwide – nevertheless, Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier rules out that there will be another general lockdown.

“After everything we know today, we can avoid a new lockdown for those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered. And that also means that restaurants and shops can stay open in winter,” said the CDU politician of the Funke media group. However, he thinks it is realistic that organizers or restaurateurs only grant entry to vaccinated, convalescent or tested people.

4:30 a.m.

Five Spanish holiday regions no longer high-risk areas

Since midnight, five popular holiday regions in Spain have been removed from the list of the federal government as high-risk areas. These include Catalonia with the metropolis of Barcelona, ​​the Canary Islands, Valencia, Castile-La Mancha and Asturias.

In these regions, the number of new infections with the coronavirus has been falling again for weeks after Spain once again recorded the highest number of infections in Europe in July. In the Canary Islands, the seven-day incidence fell from 250 to 98 within three weeks, in Catalonia from 413 to 122, in Valencia from 259 to 106.

For those who have not been vaccinated or who have not recovered from these areas, they are not required to be quarantined for ten days in Germany. The isolation can be ended after five days at the earliest by means of a negative corona test.

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