Corona pandemic in Russia: new outbreaks in Russian metropolises

As of: 06/27/2021 1:54 p.m.

The delta variant is spreading rapidly in Russia. 1,300 new corona cases were reported in the European Championship venue St. Petersburg. The situation in Moscow is also tense. The city government threatened a new lockdown.

The number of new corona infections in St. Petersburg continues to rise. More than 1,300 cases were reported within 24 hours from the city, where a quarter-finals of the European football championship is to take place next Friday. Yesterday, the metropolis reported a new high with 107 deaths.

So far there have been hardly any corona-related restrictions in St. Petersburg. Thousands visited the fan zones. Many did not wear masks or kept the minimum distance. More than 100 Finnish fans who attended their team’s game against Russia on site were verifiably infected with Corona.

6700 new cases in Moscow

The situation in the Russian capital Moscow is particularly dire. There, the authorities reported 6,700 newly infected people and a sad record with 144 deaths in one day. Mayor Sergej Sobyanin threatened another lockdown if it didn’t succeed in massively increasing the number of vaccinations.

In Moscow, according to Sobyanin, 2,000 new patients with an infection are brought to a clinic every day. There are now only 5000 free beds. According to him, 86,000 people registered for a corona vaccination every day. In Moscow and other cities in Russia, compulsory vaccination had already been imposed for individual professions. But there was also protest against this.

Two weeks of quarantine

Across Russia, the number of new infections is again at more than 20,500, which is mainly attributed to the spread of the rapidly increasing delta variant. Almost 600 deaths were recorded nationwide in one day.

The numbers in Russia have been increasing rapidly since the beginning of June. The Republic of Buryatia on Lake Baikal in Siberia is the first region in Russia to have already imposed a two-week quarantine. Supermarkets and pharmacies should remain open. The authorities justified the step with a high corona mortality. In addition, there are not enough doctors and hospital beds for patients.

The number of corona infections in the EM venue St. Petersburg is increasing

June 27, 2021 1:14 pm

With information from Stephan Laack, ARD Studio Moscow, currently Cologne

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