Corona pandemic: Drosten fears the omicron problem in Germany

Corona pandemic
Drosten fears the omicron problem in Germany

The virologist Christian Drosten is concerned about the Omikron variant in Germany. Photo: Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters Pool / dpa

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In the meantime, around 30 omicron cases are known in this country. This number should increase in the new year, believes Christian Drosten. Be careful, but don’t paint the devil on the wall.

The virologist Christian Drosten fears difficulties with the Omikron variant of the coronavirus in this country from the beginning of next year.

“The virus will also overgrow in Germany,” said the scientist from the Berlin Charité on Tuesday in the podcast “Coronavirus Update” at NDR-Info. “I think we will have a problem with Omikron in Germany from January.”

This problem could last into the summer, he warned. In South Africa, the growth rates are high despite the summer that is beginning there. “And that’s why I wouldn’t say at the moment that the pandemic in Germany will be over by Easter if Omikron takes over.” So far, he has known about 25 to 30 Omikron cases in this country from his exchange with colleagues, reported Drosten. The number is not complete and will increase “in a very short time”.

Lots of open questions

However, the virologist emphasized that there were still many unanswered questions about the variant and that more data would have to be awaited. Drosten spoke several times of a “guessing hour”. The starting positions in South Africa and England, where Omikron is spreading at a worrying speed, are also different than in Germany. He doesn’t want to paint the devil on the wall either, but he thinks caution is necessary in view of the changes in the virus, said the Charité researcher.

At Omikron, the “stupidest combination” of properties is to be feared: immune escape and fitness gain – a variant that escapes the antibodies of vaccinated and convalescents better and is also more contagious. The vaccination gaps in Germany have to be closed, that is the first priority, said Drosten. Also in view of the severe courses that have now been observed in children in South Africa, it is to be feared that Omikron is “not harmless” for those who have not been vaccinated. One should not fall into euphoria over reports of mild courses in recovered and vaccinated people.


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