Corona numbers from the RKI: seven-day incidence in NRW now over 100

Status: 23.08.2021 8:43 a.m.

The seven-day incidence continues to rise nationwide and, according to current information from the RKI, is now 56.4. In North Rhine-Westphalia it is even back in three digits. Employers and unions call for vaccinations with an appeal.

The seven-day incidence has risen again. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), it is currently 56.4. The previous day the value was 54.5, a week ago 36.2.

The health authorities in Germany reported 3,668 new infections to the RKI within one day. A week ago, the value for Germany was 2126 infections. According to the new information, four deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. There were just as many a week ago.

According to the RKI, the total number of corona infections recorded in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic increased to 3,871,865, and the number of deaths to a total of 91,980. According to the Robert Koch Institute, Germany is now at the beginning of the fourth corona wave. Younger age groups are also badly affected this time.

Incidence in NRW at over 100

The incidence in North Rhine-Westphalia is again in the three digits and thus higher than in any other federal state. The Robert Koch Institute reported it with 103.3. The previous day there were 99.2 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days, a week ago the value was 57.2. According to the RKI, Hamburg has the second highest value among the federal states with an incidence of 71.6.

Employers and trade unions call for vaccinations

In view of the declining willingness to vaccinate in Germany, employers and trade unions have jointly called on people to vaccinate. “We have to be careful not to gamble away what we have achieved,” says the joint appeal by employer president Rainer Dulger and the chairman of the German trade union federation, Reiner Hoffmann, which is available to the dpa news agency.

Every vaccinated person helps to fight the spread of Covid-19 and to return to more normalcy in private and work life. Millions of employees have been vaccinated by company doctors in the past few weeks. “In total, over five million doses of vaccine were sent to the company doctors,” said Dulger and Hoffmann. That helped to spread the vaccination campaign and to reach even more people.

The two top officials also expressed concern about the flattening of the vaccination rate – especially with regard to the more aggressive virus variants. “We therefore appeal once again as social partners to all employers and employees in Germany: continue to be prudent and responsible,” said Dulger and Hoffmann.

Employers and unions call for vaccinations

Lothar Lenz, ARD Berlin, August 23, 2021 9:48 a.m.

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