Corona: “Maybe too late to respond to those people who have vaccination reservations”

D.he new ARD chairwoman Patricia Schlesinger also sees critical points in her own reporting on the corona pandemic. In an interview with the German press agency, the 60-year-old said in response to the question of what mistakes the ARD had made: “As far as mistakes are concerned: Perhaps we were too late to address those people who had reservations about vaccinations. We could have explained to them earlier why vaccination is right and important. “

Schlesinger, who is also the director of Rundfunks Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), also emphasized: “ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio have really achieved a lot under difficult conditions.” The RBB itself had corona cases and had to work mobile overnight . “But we met the need for information well and also made large additional cultural offers on all channels, which was particularly important to me.” Schlesinger has been the new ARD chairwoman since January 1st and thus represents the ARD houses in relation to politics and society. She took over the post, which rotates between the broadcasters, from WDR director Tom Buhrow.

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All developments in the live ticker:

1:07 p.m. – Italy’s President optimistic about 2022

Despite Corona and the rapidly increasing number of infections in Italy, President Sergio Mattarella sprayed optimism in the last New Year’s Eve address of his term in office. “When I look at the path that we have mastered together in these seven years, I am full of confidence,” said the politician, who stops after a term at the head of the state, as is customary in Italy.

At the same time, Mattarella appealed to the citizens of the Mediterranean country to continue to rely on vaccinations in the fight against the pandemic, with which one could protect oneself and others from serious damage. He recalled the first months of the pandemic, when there was still no vaccine, the dead were being transported in military vehicles, schools, offices and shops were closed and clinics were on the verge of collapse.

“What would we have given back then to have a vaccination?” Asked the politician. “Research and science gave us this opportunity, much earlier than we could have hoped. To waste it is an insult to those who did not have it and to those who do not yet have access. ”By the end of 2021, 81.5 percent of people in Italy had received at least one dose of vaccine.

12:32 p.m. – Aida Nova is stuck in Lisbon

Almost 3000 cruise passengers from Germany, among others, had to spend New Year’s Eve unplanned on land in Lisbon due to Corona. Because of several dozen cases of infection among the crew, the continuation of the cruise ship “Aida Nova” in the port of the Portuguese city was delayed until the new year. The planned trip to view the spectacular New Year’s Eve fireworks over the port of Funchal on the Atlantic island of Madeira was canceled, which, according to reports on social networks, spoiled the New Year’s and party mood for some passengers.

Aida Cruises said on Friday in Rostock that the positive corona cases were discovered early in routine tests and those affected were accommodated on land in coordination with the authorities in Lisbon. The crew members had only mild symptoms and would receive medical attention. “” had previously reported on it.

The Lisbon port director Diogo Vieira Branco told the Portuguese state news agency Lusa that 52 of the 1353 crew members had tested positive on the “Aida Nova”. They were all accommodated in hotels in Lisbon, where they should complete the required isolation. The port commander was quoted by Lusa late Friday evening as saying that there were 2,844 tourists on the ship, among whom there was no positive case.

12:19 p.m. – 112,000 vaccinations on New Year’s Eve – vaccination rate now at 71.2 percent

Vaccinated on New Year’s Eve: On the last day of the year, at least 112,000 people received another vaccination against the coronavirus. This means that a total of 71.2 percent of citizens have basic immunization, which generally requires two doses. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI / as of Saturday, 9:01 a.m.), 38.7 percent of the population received a booster. 25.8 percent have not yet been vaccinated, i.e. every fourth citizen or 21.5 million people – including around four million children who are four years of age or younger and for whom no vaccine has yet been approved.

In addition, there are usually a number of late registrations. In addition, the RKI points out that the vaccination quotas are to be understood as minimum vaccination quotas, “since 100% coverage cannot be achieved by the reporting system”. The researchers assume that the actual vaccination rate could be up to five percentage points higher.

A total of 164.3 million vaccine doses have been delivered in Germany to date. 72 percent of this is accounted for by the Comirnaty vaccine, which is manufactured by the Mainz-based company Biontech in partnership with the US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Comirnaty was approved for the first time for the countries of the European Union on December 21, 2020 – it was followed by the vaccines from Moderna (“Spikevax”), Astrazeneca (“Vaxzevria”), Janssen (better known under the name of the parent company Johnson & Johnson) and most recently on December 20, 2021 as the fourth vaccine “Nuvaxovid” from Novavax.

12:05 pm – Wüst warns: “Omikron does not forgive carelessness”

In his first New Year’s address as Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hendrik Wüst swore the citizens to a heavy fifth corona wave. “The virus has not yet been defeated,” said the CDU politician according to the speech manuscript in Mülheim an der Ruhr. Science predicts an “unprecedented spread of the virus – despite great success with vaccinations and boosters in recent weeks” for the next few weeks.

“The latest mutation – Omicron – does not forgive negligence.” It is important to remain focused and vigilant. “And we have to be ready at all times to act decisively in order to protect human lives,” continued Wüst. Next year, too, will depend on each and every one of us: “Only if more people are vaccinated can we keep the virus in check in the long term,” he said.

It is also important “that we keep our country running” if a potentially large number of people are infected or have to be quarantined. Above all, he wants schools and day-care centers to remain open as possible so that “our youngest are not particularly hard hit again”. At the same time, he emphasized: “Let’s not allow the virus to steal our joie de vivre.”

11:22 a.m. – 5.78 million Covid deaths worldwide so far

According to a Reuters survey, more than 286.63 million people worldwide have contracted the corona virus. 5.78 million died from or with the virus. In the USA alone, 54.13 million infections and almost 827,000 deaths have been counted so far.

10:55 am – Ramelow urges objectivity in vaccination discussions

Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) has again called on the Thuringians to use the new vaccines on offer. According to the State Chancellery, Ramelow said in his New Year’s address that he is happy that Novavax is now an additional offer in addition to the mRNA and vector vaccines. “Therefore I appeal to you: Please accept the extended vaccination offer in order to protect yourself and others.” At the same time, the Thuringian head of government urged more objectivity in the vaccination discussion.

Ramelow: “I think it is wrong to label everyone who expresses questions and fears as an opponent of vaccinations.” Two thirds of the people in the Free State have been vaccinated so far, one third have already received a booster vaccination.

The left-wing politician expressed understanding that many people were tired after almost two Corona years and wanted their normal life back – with meetings in a larger circle, with travel and without the daily feeling of restrictions, fear and oppression. 2021 demanded a lot from everyone – especially families, single parents, the self-employed. To ensure social cohesion in Thuringia, he sees his obligation as Prime Minister, said Ramelow. He asked the Thuringians to show solidarity, to listen to one another and to be tolerant, “especially when we have different opinions”.

10:30 a.m. – Spiegel calls for legal protection for the very old

Federal Seniors Minister Anne Spiegel (Greens) calls for special legal protection for the very old after the triage decision of the Federal Constitutional Court to protect the disabled. “The state and we all as a society have a duty to protect the weakest among us,” said the Green politician in the newspapers of the Essen Funke media group.

The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court contributes to legal security for all involved, said Spiegel. “Of course we hope that the protective measures and contact reductions that have been taken will prevent such triage situations from occurring in Germany. Nevertheless, we have to take precautions. “

At the same time, Spiegel confirm their rejection of the closure of retirement homes for visitors. “An absolute ban on contact and visits, as we experienced last winter, must be avoided at all costs because of the negative health consequences for the elderly,” she said. “We are therefore in the process of coordinating solutions adapted to the situation with the federal states, sponsoring associations and cost bearers.”

9:02 a.m. – 22,775 new infections in India

India reports 22,775 new infections in the past 24 hours. The data show strong increases in densely populated regions around the capital New Delhi, the financial center of Mumbai or the metropolis of Kolkata in the east of the country. Since the peak of the second Covid wave last year, the daily number of infections in India had fallen from over 400,000 at times to below 10,000. Now experts fear a third wave from the virus variant Omikron.

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WELT author Tim Röhn

International change of course

5:01 am – Tenth day of lockdown for 13 million residents of Xian

Thirteen million residents of the Chinese city of Xian spend the tenth day in lockdown on Saturday. Many of them are not allowed to leave their apartment blocks. The strict measures are intended to end a coronavirus outbreak in the city. The virus was brought in from Pakistan. The city reports 174 new infections in the past 24 hours. The strategy of the Chinese authorities aims to stop the virus from spreading entirely.

03:47 a.m. – RKI reports 26,392 new infections – the incidence rises to 220.3

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports 26,392 new corona infections within 24 hours. That’s 4,178 more cases than on Saturday a week ago when 22,214 positive tests were reported. The nationwide seven-day incidence increases to 220.3 from 214.9 the previous day. The value indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants have been infected with the corona virus in the past seven days.

184 other people died related to the virus. This increases the number of reported deaths within one day to 112,109. In total, more than 7.17 million corona tests have so far been positive in Germany. The RKI points out that fewer tests will be carried out at the turn of the year and therefore fewer cases will probably be reported.

1:55 a.m. – Minister Spiegel wants to protect the elderly in particular

After the triage decision of the Federal Constitutional Court, Federal Seniors Minister Anne Spiegel is calling for special legal protection for the very old. “The state and we all as a society have a duty to protect the weakest among us,” said the Green politician in the newspapers of the Funke media group. The best protection for people in retirement homes is a vaccination plus a refresher, recommends the senior minister with a view to the expected Omikron wave.

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