Corona intensive care patients: Vaccination quota should be recorded daily

Status: 13.11.2021 1:29 p.m.

How many of the Covid-19 intensive care patients are fully vaccinated? This should soon be recorded on a daily basis. The traffic light parties hope this will provide a better basis for short-term decisions in corona policy.

From the end of November, it will be determined and reported on a daily basis how many corona intensive care patients are fully vaccinated against the virus. The parliamentary groups of the SPD, Greens and FDP have brought a corresponding adjustment of the intensive register on the way, said the Green health politician Janosch Dahmen the editorial network Germany (RND).

Basis for faster decisions

The parties hope that the data will provide a better basis for making short-term decisions in corona policy. For many intensive care patients, the vaccination status is currently not recorded because individual steps in the previous reporting chain did not work, said Dahmen. “So far, there is simply a lack of data.” He is assuming that the changeover to reporting to the day will be implemented by the end of the year at the latest.

In the future, according to Dahmen, the clinics will have to indicate how many of their intensive care patients are fully vaccinated against the virus. In the vast majority of cases, these data are already available. In order to protect data protection, no personal data should be used, only the number of vaccinated and unvaccinated people in the corona intensive care units should be reported.

The intensive care registry is operated by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (DIVI). So far, according to the information, only numbers are available that show, with a delay, how many intensive care patients have been vaccinated and how many have not been vaccinated.

Delay in the message chain

The reason for this is that the health authorities first record the infections and report them to the RKI. The information on the hospitalization status followed with a delay, and in many cases the corresponding notification was not made.

DIVI welcomed the plans. It is already clear: “Vaccinated people who are not very old or seriously ill do not die of Covid-19,” their DIVI President Gernot Marx told the RND. The vast majority of Covid intensive care patients are unvaccinated. “The exact number we are currently determining that that could certainly have been faster. But there will be. ”

In the future, the age and postcode of the person should also be recorded in the intensive register for vaccinations so that the vaccination rate reflects the place of residence and not the place of vaccination. Information on a possible pregnancy in the intensive care patients would also be recorded, said Dahmen.

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