Corona in Bavaria: vaccination summit should improve the pace – Bavaria

Vaccination summit should improve the pace in the fight against Corona in Bavaria

Monday, June 28th, 10:00 a.m.: In the hope of more speed with the corona vaccinations in the Free State, the state government invites experts and local politicians to the vaccination summit on Monday. The video conference is primarily about how more primary vaccinations can be carried out again in Bavaria. In the past few weeks, there had mainly only been secondary vaccinations due to the lack of vaccines in the vaccination centers. But after the manufacturers promised more vaccine for the coming weeks, the pace should now be increased again.

“Half a year after the start of the corona vaccinations, this second Bavarian vaccination summit is an important clock comparison of all groups involved,” said a spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Munich. The starting position after six months is positive. “Today we can say that every second inhabitant of Bavaria has been vaccinated at least once, every third person already has full vaccination protection.”

In addition to Prime Minister Markus Söder and Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (both CSU), around 20 representatives from the medical profession, pharmacies, municipalities, science and business are invited to the video conference. According to the spokesman, the talks also deal with strategic issues. “Basically, we want to see where we stand and where we have to set the course for the upcoming, important phase of the vaccination campaign and the goal of stopping the spreading delta variant wherever possible.”

Low incidence in Bavaria stable

Monday, June 28th, 6.52 a.m .: The low seven-day incidence in Bavaria remains stable. According to the Robert Koch Institute, on Monday it was 6.9; on Sunday it was almost the same as 7.0. Eleven districts and urban districts are free of corona on Monday. The Lichtenfels district continues to have the highest value with 46.4 and 31 new infections.

Prioritization in vaccination centers should fall

Sunday, June 27th, 7.11 p.m .: In Bavaria there will soon be no more prioritization in the vaccination centers. The cancellation of the vaccination sequence should according to information from Süddeutsche Zeitung to be decided on this Monday when the state government meets by video conference for a vaccination summit. The background to this decision is that the number of people willing to vaccinate in Bavaria is apparently declining – among general practitioners as well as in vaccination centers.

There had also recently been news from other federal states about declining appointment bookings and appointment cancellations. The elimination of the prioritization could help to keep the vaccination speed as high as possible despite the decrease in vaccination readiness. General practitioners and specialists in Bavaria have been able to freely decide which patients to vaccinate against the coronavirus first since mid-May.

At the vaccination summit, one of the issues that will be discussed is how a refreshment of vaccination protection can be organized. The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) expects that people in Germany should be vaccinated against the coronavirus again in the new year at the latest. When it comes to organizing the vaccinations, this is likely to bring the old people’s and nursing homes back into focus, where people are likely to be particularly at risk if the vaccination protection wears off.

Fitness industry hopes for recovery

Sunday, June 27th, 5:32 p.m .: After months of closings due to the corona pandemic, the fitness industry in the Free State is hoping for recovery. “As soon as we can loosen our strict protection and hygiene measures, we are confident that even more members will come back,” said a spokesman for the McFit chain, which operates 20 studios in Bavaria.

The operator agrees positively that many people are seeing a new appreciation for their own health. “Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or obesity were problems that brought with them an additional risk during Corona,” said a spokeswoman for the Clever Fit franchise chain and spoke of a better June than ever before with regard to new members.

The Fitness First chain reports something similar. “In June 2020 after the reopening there were only 60 percent of the new contracts as in the same month of 2019, we are currently seeing around 160 percent more new members in 2021 compared to 2019,” it said. According to the Employers’ Association of German Fitness and Health Systems (DSSV), there were around 1,600 fitness studios in the Free State with around 1.6 million members at the end of 2020 – around 220,000 fewer than in 2019. There are around 1,600 gymnasiums across the country.

On a national average, the studios lost twelve percent of their members in 2020. “With further relaxation and constant operation of the companies, we expect to be able to achieve a level comparable to that before the pandemic in 2023,” said a DSSV spokesman.

Incidence drops to 7.0

Sunday, June 27, 12.16 p.m .: The seven-day incidence in Bavaria has again decreased slightly. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), it was 7.0 on Sunday. On Saturday the value was 7.2. The district of Lichtenfels continues to have the highest incidence value. There the value rose from Saturday to Sunday from 35.9 to 46.4. The cities of Straubing, Memmingen, Kaufbeuren and Amberg as well as the districts of Freyung-Grafenau, Regen, Straubing-Bogen and Amberg-Sulzbach are currently corona-free. There the incidence on Sunday is 0.0. The state capital Munich currently has a value of 9.0.

Söder: Delta variant will soon also be dominant in Bavaria

Sunday, June 27th, 7:29 am: According to CSU boss Markus Söder, the delta variant of the corona virus will soon also determine the infection process in Bavaria. In a few weeks it will “also be the dominant variant for us,” said the Prime Minister on Saturday at the CSU list for the Bundestag election in Nuremberg. Because of the Corona crisis, the event took place in the open air in the Max Morlock Stadium in Nuremberg.

Söder emphasized that for this reason further caution was necessary and too many easing jeopardized the successes achieved. Nevertheless, the easing will continue “bit by bit” in the coming weeks. Söder reiterated that the aim of the corona policy must be to prevent another lockdown. To do this, the right course must now be set for autumn. Vaccination is of crucial importance, especially offers for schoolchildren and students. “We now have to create the conditions so that the schools can remain open.”


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