Corona denier and kickboxing star († 40) dies of consequences of his infection

He used to be considered “the strongest man in Belgium”.

Kickboxer and ex-world champion Frederic Sinistra died at the age of only 40.

According to matching media reports, the cause of death should have been acute shortness of breath, consequences of his corona infection.

The kickboxer from Liège came to the hospital with a corona infection at the end of November.

The kickboxing star is said to have been unvaccinated and a corona denier.

Sinistra is said to have even refused to just pronounce the words “Covid” and “Corona”. He only went to the hospital because his manager had convinced him. That reports “De Morgen”.

According to the Belgian media, he finally discharged himself from the hospital and died a few days later on December 16 as a result of the infection.

Sinistra is said to have been of the opinion that due to his relatively young age, he would not have any major health problems if he contracted COVID-19.

His wife commented on the sad events on Boxing Day and claims that her husband did not die as a result of the corona disease.

“He would never have accepted that what happened to him was used to spread fear and promote vaccination,” she writes. The story in the Belgian media, on the other hand, reads very differently.

On December 13th, Sinistra wrote on Facebook: “Thank you for your support. I am recovering at home as it should be. I will come back a thousand times stronger. ”That never happened, Sinistra lost the most important fight of his life.

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