Corona current: Drosten is slightly optimistic – politics

The Berlin virologist Christian Drosten sees cause for cautious optimism in the further development of the corona pandemic in Germany. The background is data from South Africa, where the particularly contagious virus variant Omikron initially spread: “In a way, that can calm us down. South Africa is certainly a glimpse into a future, into an endemic situation that is just emerging there,” said Drosten im ZDF- “heute journal” “Unfortunately we are still a long way off.” The transition from a pandemic to an endemic situation means that the virus will continue to spread, but is less dangerous – comparable to the typical cold viruses, which also include other coronaviruses.

The development in Great Britain with regard to Omikron is also encouraging, said Drosten, “because the number of serious illnesses seems to be lower”. However, the virologist believes that politics in Germany will continue to be challenged, “maybe until Easter”. Experts anticipate that the peak of an omicron wave in Germany is still to come. (12/30/2021)

US agency emphasizes the importance of vaccinations for minors

The US health authority CDC has highlighted the importance of vaccinations against Covid-19 in children and adolescents with two new studies. Serious reactions to the vaccine had rarely been reported after giving about eight million doses to people aged five to eleven since October, one of the reports said.

In another study at six hospitals, the US scientists found that the vast majority of all minors treated for Covid-19 were not fully vaccinated – only 0.4 percent of these had completed the series of two injections. Two thirds of Covid patients between the ages of 12 and 17 were obese. The CDC called for vaccinations to protect minors from Covid-19 – especially those who are very overweight or have previous illnesses. (12/30/2021)

Italy reports more than 100,000 new corona infections

The health authorities in Italy recorded more than 100,000 new corona infections within one day on Thursday. The Ministry of Health reported almost 127,000 corona cases in the evening. In the past 24 hours, almost 160 people died with the virus.

The Mediterranean country again reached a record value after the around 98,000 registered corona cases from the previous day. In the past few days, the number of corona tests carried out has also increased steadily. A negative proof is now necessary in many parts of public life. Most recently, the proportion of positive results among all tests has also continued to increase.

Of France Health Minister Olivier Veran announced 206,243 new infections for Thursday. As of Wednesday, the number of new cases was 208,099.

the Turkey has the highest number of new infections since April 28th. According to the authorities, 39,681 new corona cases were registered within one day. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca warns in particular about the Omikron variety and calls on the population to behave much more cautiously than before.

In Great Britain the number of new infections reached a new record at 189,213. The authorities report that. There are 332 more deaths recorded. (12/30/2021)

Turkey uses its own vaccine

Turkey starts with vaccinations of the corona vaccine developed in its own country. The Turkovac vaccine is now being administered in the city’s hospitals, says Health Minister Fahrettin Koca. With Turkovac, booster vaccinations after the first vaccination with other means are also possible. The vaccine had only received emergency approval from the Turkish authorities last week.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had announced that Turkovac would be made available worldwide. However, the government has not yet published detailed information on the effectiveness and results of the clinical studies. So far, the vaccines from Biontech and Pfizer as well as the Chinese manufacturer Sinovac have been administered in Turkey. (12/30/2021)

RKI classifies Italy as a high risk area

The federal government is now also classifying Italy, Canada, Malta and San Marino as high-risk areas due to the high number of corona infections. Mauritius, on the other hand, is no longer a high-risk area, as from the listing of the Robert Koch Institute emerges. The new ratings apply from midnight on Saturday.

Unvaccinated people who enter Germany from high-risk areas have to be in quarantine for ten days, but can test themselves after five days. Children under the age of twelve must be in quarantine for five days. Vaccinated and convalescent people have to register their entry digitally. (12/30/2021)

Italy tightened corona rules

Italy is tightening the corona rules in many areas of public life and at the same time easing the quarantine obligation for those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered. From January 10th, the 2-G rule will apply in hotels, convention centers, local and long-distance public transport, in ski lifts and at festivals, so people have to be vaccinated or recovered to access them. This was announced by Palazzo Chigi, the official seat of the Italian Prime Minister, on Thursday night in Rome. The regulations apply until the end of the emergency on March 31st.

In Italy, the number of corona infections shot up in the past few days. On Wednesday evening, the authorities reported around 98,000 new corona infections and almost 150 deaths from the virus within one day. Because of the high number of infections and the resulting obligation to isolate, some regions feared that they would lose their staff, for example in rail transport or in hospitals.

The government also decided in the decree to suspend precautionary quarantine for vaccinated and convalescent people who have had close contact with a person who has been shown to have tested positive. This only applies to those who have been vaccinated if they have been boosted or if the second vaccination was not more than 120 days ago. In any case, people must wear an FFP2 mask for ten days after contact. Anyone who shows symptoms must also do a rapid PCR or antigen test after five days. For unvaccinated people who have had contact with an infected person or who have become infected, the quarantine or isolation obligation of ten days remains. However, free testing is possible. (12/30/2021)

Lauterbach: Considerations about the quarantine duration are necessary

The development of the corona pandemic with a feared fifth wave also raises the question of the duration of the quarantine, according to Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD). It was “a slightly different situation than we had a week ago,” said the SPD politician in the ARD “Tagesthemen”. One now has to consider “what does that mean for the quarantine period, what does that mean for the contact reductions?”

In view of the oncoming wave of the even more contagious virus variant Omikron, several countries such as the USA and Great Britain have already shortened the quarantine period for infected people without symptoms in order to prevent an acute shortage of staff in facilities and industries that are necessary for basic services and security. Spain shortened the quarantine period for asymptomatic infected people from ten to seven days.

The Bavarian Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) urges a regulation for Germany as well. “We now have to set the course in order to be well prepared – also and especially with a view to the critical infrastructure,” he told the news portal “Watson” “It would be conceivable from mine For example, see an exemption from quarantine for boosted contacts. ” In the program “RTL Direkt”, Holetschek said that a statement from the Robert Koch Institute or the Federal Government’s Expert Council was necessary before the upcoming Prime Minister’s Conference on January 7th. (12/30/2021)

Incidence is increasing – Lauterbach assumes higher values

The Robert Koch Institute reported 42,770 new corona infections on Thursday and a seven-day incidence that had increased from 205.5 to 207.4. Another 383 deaths were recorded related to the virus.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach assesses the current infection rate much more critically than the reporting figures show. It can be assumed that the actual incidence is currently two to three times as high as reported, the SPD politician said on Wednesday. A significant increase in cases of the Omicron variant can also be seen. The minister appealed to all citizens to spend New Year’s Eve in such a way that no new chains of infection arise. “Please celebrate in a very small group,” said Lauterbach.

Between the years, there is also a considerable delay in reporting this year. Work is currently underway to get better data, said the minister. He is certain that these will be available by the Prime Minister’s Conference with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) planned for January 7th.

According to Lauterbach, many Omikron infections have been registered in northern Germany in particular. In the ARD “Tagesthemen” he spoke of “strongly increasing numbers” in Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and also in North Rhine-Westphalia. This is partly due to the proximity to Denmark and the Netherlands, which are currently particularly affected by the variant. (12/30/2021)

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