Corona current: Drosten fears omicron problem – politics

The virologist Christian Drosten fears difficulties with the new virus variant soon. “The virus will also overgrow in Germany. I think we will have a problem with Omikron in Germany from January,” said the scientist from the Berlin Charité in his NDR podcast. This problem could last into the summer. In South Africa, the growth rates are high despite the summer that is beginning there. “And that’s why I wouldn’t say at the moment that the pandemic in Germany will be over by Easter if Omikron takes over,” said Drosten. So far, he has known about 25 to 30 Omikron cases in this country from his exchange with colleagues, reported Drosten. The number is not complete and will increase “in a very short time”.

However, the virologist emphasized that there were still many unanswered questions about the variant and that more data would have to be awaited. The starting positions in South Africa and England, where Omikron is spreading at a worrying speed, are also different than in Germany. According to Drosten, the “stupidest combination” of properties is to be feared at Omikron: a so-called one immune escape, i.e. the fact that the virus can infect people who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered, as well as in principle a stronger infectiousness.

Drosten’s American colleague Anthony Fauci is more optimistic: In the cases that are currently being evaluated, one can observe relatively mild disease courses. But this could also be due to the age structure of the patients. When it comes to the question of the severity of the disease, there are always delays in terms of the data. “So I would say we shouldn’t be drawing any final conclusions. I could imagine that it will be at least a few more weeks before we have a good overview – and then a really good overview a few weeks later,” said the immunologist who also advises the US President. (07.12.2021)

Heil extends increased short-time work allowance

Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) wants to increase the short-time work allowance extended until the end of March in the corona pandemic. A corresponding change request, reports the Rheinische Post, want to get the parliamentary groups of SPD, Greens and FDP on the way with the law on corona vaccination prevention.

Normally, the short-time work allowance is used to compensate for 60 percent of the wages lost due to short-time work, 67 percent for those with children. In view of the corona crisis, the government had increased the rates for all those who received short-time work benefits for longer. From the fourth month onwards, there was 70 percent of the so-called net wage difference, or with a child 77 percent, from the seventh month 80/87 percent. This regulation would have expired on December 31st and is now being extended to March 31st.

However, there is one prerequisite: The increased short-time work allowance applies to all employees who were entitled to short-time work allowance during the pandemic until March 31, 2021. Employees who have been on short-time work for the first time since April 2021 should, however, be entitled to the increased benefit rates for at least the period from January to March 2022. The maximum subscription period of 24 months has also been extended for a further three months until March 31, 2022. (07.12.2021)

Seven-day incidence at 432

The nationwide seven-day incidence in Germany has fallen slightly. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported on Tuesday morning a value of 432.2 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days; on Monday it was 441.9. The RKI registered slightly more than 36,000 new corona cases within 24 hours, 399 other people died of or with Covid-19.

Two federal states still have a seven-day incidence of more than 1000: A value of 1023.1 is reported for Thuringia and 1082.1 for Saxony. When evaluating the infection rate, it should be borne in mind that experts are currently assuming a noticeable underreporting. Health authorities and clinics can no longer keep up with reporting cases, at least in individual regions. (07.12.2021)

Deutsche Bahn has 3 G checked by conductors

From Wednesday on, conductors of the Deutsche Bahn will also carry out random checks of 3-G certificates. Passengers without proof of test, vaccination or recovery (3 G) should be asked “discreetly and politely” to get off at the next hub station, reports the editorial network Germany, citing internal instructions from DB Regio. In the event of refusal, the federal police should be called in. According to a spokeswoman for Deutsche Bahn, controls have taken place since the introduction of the 3-G rule, but they have not yet been carried out by conductors. “In local transport, we have agreed with the works councils to involve customer advisors in the 3-G test in RE and RB trains. Security staff will support the train staff,” said the spokeswoman. (07.12.2021)

Social association calls for better organization of booster vaccinations

The social association VdK calls on the designated health minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) to ensure better organization of the booster vaccinations. “We finally need a nationwide procedure,” says VdK President Verena Bentele, according to a preliminary report in the newspapers of the Funke media group. In some federal states, elderly people and high-risk patients wait in vain for appointments and cannot get through to doctors or centers by phone. There are also problems with the delivery of vaccines in many places. “It is frightening that after almost two years of pandemic there is still no central information, coordination and control,” said Bentele, “that must now be changed as soon as possible”. (07.12.2021)

Patient advocates warn Lauterbach against lobby groups in the healthcare sector

The board of directors of the German Foundation for Patient Protection, Eugen Brysch, calls on the future Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) to deal critically with lobby groups from the health and care sector, for example. Cooperation with lobby associations is one of the minister’s future tasks, “but the greatest challenge for Karl Lauterbach will be to maintain independence,” said Brysch to the newspapers of the Funke media group (Tuesday). He emphasized: “First of all, lobbyists have their own interests in mind.”

The foundation board continued that a good federal health minister must “go his own way and keep an eye on the needs of the patients”. In the care of the elderly and patient care, autonomy, sustainability, intergenerational equity and quality are required. Brysch emphasized that these should be the benchmarks for future health policy. (07.12.2021)

Scientists criticize corona reporting by “Bild”

The Alliance of Science Organizations has harsh criticism of the corona reporting of the image– Newspaper practiced. This is one-sided and directed against scientists who put their expertise at the service of politics and society in order to counter the pandemic. As an example, the alliance, to which the most important scientific organizations in Germany belong, cited an article that appeared on December 4th under the title “The Lockdown Makers”.

The Berlin Humboldt University (HU) has lodged a complaint against the contribution with the German Press Council. Scientists from the HU, including the physicist Dirk Brockmann, were described as “lockdown makers”, the university announced. In this way, it is suggested to the readers that scientists are responsible for political decisions. But this is not the case. The Presidium of the Humboldt University is against such false claims and is protecting each of its members who are defamed in this way, it said.

In its appeal, the Alliance of Science Organizations explained that the newspaper used formulations in its reporting that were defamatory of the scientists. This could contribute to a climate of opinion that leads to physical and psychological violence. “From the point of view of the alliance, such forms of discussion are in no way acceptable and contradict the basic rules of a free and open society and the basic principles of our democracy,” said the Science Council, which is currently in charge of the alliance. In crisis situations such as the pandemic, objectivity in reporting is particularly important.

A spokesman for the Axel Springer Group image-Zeitung announced at the request of the German Press Agency: “We can understand the criticism and take it seriously. Scientists deserve our respect.” Criticism of scientists and their proposals must be possible, “but always appropriately exercised”. The spokesman also referred to a statement by the image-Editor-in-Chief Johannes Boie, which was published in the Monday edition. It says: Anyone who governs this country, changes it and determines people’s lives must endure criticism. Especially by journalists. “Conversely, criticism must be appropriately exercised. This also applies expressly to image. “

In addition to the Science Council, the Alliance of Science Organizations also includes the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service, the German Research Foundation, the Fraunhofer Society, the Helmholtz Association, the University Rectors’ Conference, the Leibniz Association, the Max Planck Association Society and the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. (06.12.2021)

Wüst thinks small family celebrations are possible

Family celebrations on a smaller scale at Christmas will be possible according to the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst. “What we have agreed upon so far allows family celebrations in a small room, with the restrictions that have been agreed,” says Wüst when visiting a vaccination center in Düsseldorf. “And I think you should do that too.” When asked whether further tightening of the requirements to contain the pandemic are necessary, the CDU politician says that we have to wait and see how the applicable rules prove themselves and how people react – “before we continue to turn the screw.”

The designated new Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, had previously made a similar statement. When introducing the SPD cabinet members in the Willy Brandt House, he said that the new government must now resolutely fight the pandemic and promote booster vaccinations so that at least a modest amount of travel would be possible at Christmas. (December 06, 2021)

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