Corona current: criticism of Spahn’s booster statements – politics

Medical representatives are criticizing the statement by the Executive Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) about a Corona booster vaccination for everyone. Spahn had named the risk groups for whom such a booster vaccination is particularly recommended, and then pointed out that this is basically also possible for everyone.

“We are annoyed that Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn is fueling expectations that booster vaccinations are possible for everyone,” said the board member of the General Practitioners Association, Armin Beck, the editorial network Germany (RND). “The general practitioners follow the recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission, which currently recommends third vaccinations only for people over 70 and a few other groups.” Due to Spahn’s statements, however, the need for clarification and discussion in the practices is increasing. If the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) expanded its recommendation, the general practitioners would also vaccinate these groups of people, he announced.

However, some medical practices have already withdrawn from vaccinations and no longer offer them. Medical President Klaus Reinhardt told the RND: “So far there is no sufficient scientific evidence for the need for booster vaccinations for people of all ages.” (10/30/2021)

RKI: 21,543 new infections, incidence at 145.1

The nationwide corona incidence also increased on Saturday. The Robert Koch Institute registered a value of 145.1 after 139.1 the day before. The health authorities in Germany reported 21,543 new corona cases. That is 6398 positive tests more than on Saturday a week ago. 90 other people died related to the virus. (10/30/2021)

Biontech vaccination for children receives emergency approval in the USA

The corona vaccine from Biontech / Pfizer has received emergency approval in the USA for use in children between the ages of five and eleven. Following the approval of the US Food and Drug Administration, the CDC formally has to deal with it.

This means that the vaccination campaign for the approximately 28 million affected children in the USA can now – as the White House already planned – start in November. Within the next few days, 15 million doses of the vaccine are to be delivered to paediatricians, clinics and pharmacies. The German company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer have also applied for approval of their corona vaccine for children of this age group in Europe. (29.10.2021)

Austria’s health minister announces the 2.5 G rule in the workplace

According to Health Minister Mückstein, the 3-G rule at the workplace, which will apply in Austria from November 1st, should be converted to a “2.5-G” in mid-November – that is, vaccinated, recovered or PCR-tested. This is reported by the Austrian broadcasting company ORF. The step-by-step plan of the Austrian government stipulates that antigen tests are no longer valid as evidence of tests if there are more than 400 intensive care beds in use. Unvaccinated people then have to show a current PCR laboratory test.

Mückstein assumes that the value of 400 occupied intensive care beds will be reached by the end of next week. On Friday, there were 280 Covid 19 patients across Austria in intensive care units – 15 more than the day before. In addition, a new annual high had been reported with more than 5800 new infections.

Some federal states are also tightening their corona rules for unvaccinated people due to the increasing number of infections. After the federal states of Styria and Tyrol, Upper Austria and Carinthia will soon no longer allow unvaccinated people in restaurants and bars under certain conditions. Even if they have a negative test. The measures will come into force in Upper Austria on November 8th and in Carinthia on November 4th. The rules apply to night gastronomy and events without assigned seats from 500 people. Only those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered will have access.

2-G rule on Cologne carnival stages

The 2-G rule applies on stage at the Cologne Carnival. All artists must be vaccinated or recovered, said a spokesman for the Cologne Carnival Festival Committee. At least 3G plus applies to spectators at hall events, which means that you either have to be vaccinated, recovered or tested with a PCR test. However, the individual organizer can always go beyond this and specify 2G. For the artists, who usually appear at different events in one evening, it is therefore practically impossible not to be vaccinated or recovered, said the spokesman for the festival committee. In the Düsseldorf Carnival, 2G generally applies to hall events. (October 29, 2021)

Concern about corona effects is growing

With the sharp rise in the number of corona infections, concerns about possible infection are growing in Germany. In a survey by the ZDF Politbarometer, 40 percent of those questioned said they felt their health was at risk. Two weeks ago it was only 31 percent. 57 percent do not consider their health to be at risk. More than half of the respondents expect a new corona wave with significantly higher numbers of infections in the coming winter.

At 62 percent, the majority of people are in favor of the 2-G rule applying nationwide in restaurants, in the leisure and cultural sector, so that only those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered are allowed access. 36 percent don’t think that’s a good thing. 71 percent also think it is right that adults who do not want to be vaccinated have to pay for their rapid corona tests. 28 percent are against it. (29.10.2021)

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