Corona apps show vaccination status incorrectly after booster? That’s it

CovPass and Corona-Warn
Corona apps show the vaccination status incorrectly after booster? That’s the reason and this is how you have to proceed

Vaccination certificates can also be stored in the Corona warning app

© hsyncoban / Getty Images

More and more people are getting a booster for the corona vaccination. This can lead to problems with the vaccination certificate via the app.

The digital proof of vaccination is the easiest way to prove your vaccination against the angry Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus – and to participate in public life despite stricter measures such as 3G or even 2G. But while the number of booster vaccinations is steadily increasing, a small flaw in the detection app called CovPass becomes known: It can falsely indicate incomplete vaccination protection for boosted people.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports on its website. Those people who have only been vaccinated once are particularly affected, for example because they received the Janssen vaccine from Johnson & Johnson or because they only need one vaccination when they have recovered. The vaccination was shown there as “1/1”. However, if a booster is added, the numbering changes to 2/2 – with a serious consequence for the user.

Wrong waiting time

“Here the app cannot tell whether it is the second vaccination of the basic immunization or a booster vaccination,” explains the RKI. The problem: You are only considered fully vaccinated two weeks after the second vaccination. Accordingly, the vaccination status is suddenly reset in the app. And those who have actually been fully vaccinated for months should suddenly wait 14 days until they can correctly prove their vaccination status again.

Fortunately, the problem can be solved quite easily, after all it is just a display error within the booster certificate. With the yellow passport you can easily prove your vaccination status. And there is also a solution in the apps, reassures the RKI: In the first two weeks, you should simply select the older certificate in order to be able to prove your vaccination protection. “This is still valid,” said the RKI. To reach it, you only have to swipe the first displayed new certificate to the side (CovPass) or scroll down (Corona warning app). It is already proven that you are completely protected again. After the two weeks have expired, the booster certificate can also be used again.

Booster vaccination: how long does the protection last?

It is not that easy if the booster is already the third vaccination and the vaccination protection is still displayed as incomplete. Then, by mistake, 3/3 is not displayed, according to the RKI. In this case, the certificate was simply issued incorrectly. Unfortunately, the users themselves cannot fix this. “Please contact the issuer of the certificate to have this corrected,” advises the RKI.

Source: Robert Koch Institute

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