Consumers: Özdemir predicts that food prices will continue to rise

Özdemir predicts that food prices will continue to rise

Federal Food Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) at a press conference in Berlin. Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

At today’s nutrition conference, the high cost of food is one of the key issues – according to the Federal Minister of Food, there is still no end in sight to the price increases.

Federal Food Minister Cem Özdemir expects food prices to continue to rise and therefore advocates relief for poor households in this country.

The Greens politician told the “Tagesspiegel” that the peak in food prices had probably not yet been reached. Many manufacturers now have to spend more money on energy and pass this on to customers. He thinks it would be good to abolish VAT on fruit and vegetables, as demanded by social organizations, “because consumer spending plays a major role, especially for the poor and because that would also contribute to healthy eating,” he said. But he fears that there is currently no majority in the governing coalition with the SPD and the FDP.

Today his Ministry of Agriculture, the Federal Foreign Office and the Development Ministry are organizing the conference “Together for Global Food Security”. One topic is solutions for blocked grain exports because of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.

Özdemir called for the international community to look for permanent alternatives to the customary export of Ukrainian grain across the Black Sea. Durable and powerful alternatives are needed. For this global task, the EU, the USA and, above all, the economy would have to get on board. For example, the construction of a new broad-gauge railway connection between the Ukraine and the Baltic ports is conceivable. Exports via the Danube may also be the most effective, said the Greens politician.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens), Özdemir and Development Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) invited to a press conference in the morning. Due to the lack of exports from Ukraine as a result of the Russian war against the country, a shortage of supplies is expected in some countries, for example in Africa and Asia. Lower volumes have pushed prices up.


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