ConsenSys Releases zkEVM for Private Beta Testing

ConsenSys, developers of the Web3 ecosystem. debutThe zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) network. For Private Beta testing via a blog post on Dec. 13 designed and operated by ConsenSys.

Developers can deploy and manage decentralized applications using tools such as MetaMask, Truffle and Infura as if they were using EVM directly. In addition, users can connect assets between Goerli testnet and zkEVM networks to test. smart contracts and decentralized applications or DApps

“Testnet participants can also bridge tokens, transfer tokens, and interact with dApps. We intend to learn whether the zkEVM developer experience has the potential to accelerate innovation in Web3 and will evaluate the offerings. Suggestions from the community to inform our next steps.”

The new ConsenSys zkEVM will begin in January 2023. ConsenSys said there are currently no details on how to reward participants for testing or whether the newly issued token will be linked to zkEVM.

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