Conflicts: South Korea: North Korea fails new missile test

South Korea: North Korea fails new missile test

North Korea is prohibited from launching or even testing ballistic missiles by UN resolutions. However, the leadership in Pyongyang continues to ignore these bans. Photo

© Ahn Young-joon/AP

Pyongyang has fired another missile. According to South Korea, the test ended in failure.

North Korea’s military is, according to South Korea’s new missile test failed. It is assumed that the missile exploded in flight, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense. No further details about the missile were given. The South Korean news agency Yonhap reported that the military believes it may have been a hypersonic missile. It flew in an area around the capital Pyongyang, about 250 kilometers eastward toward the open sea. Japan’s coast guard also recorded the launch.

North Korea says it has already tested hypersonic missiles several times. Such weapons are particularly difficult to intercept because they reach more than five times the speed of sound and are maneuverable. The largely isolated country is subject to international sanctions because of its nuclear weapons and missile program. Despite the sanctions, the communist leadership has been pushing ahead with the development of missiles, especially missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons, for years.

The latest missile test took place before the start of a military exercise planned for the next few days between the US Navy and the naval forces of South Korea and Japan. The aircraft carrier “USS Theodore Roosevelt” is also expected to take part, having arrived at a naval base in the South Korean port city of Busan together with two US destroyers.

North Korea accuses USA and South Korea of ​​”provocative behavior”

During a visit to the aircraft carrier, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol said the warship’s arrival symbolized the US’s determination to defend its ally South Korea. The ship will leave port today to take part in the trilateral exercise codenamed “Freedom Edge” in the region.

In a statement published by state media, North Korea’s Vice Defense Minister Kim Kang Il accused the United States and South Korea of ​​”provocative behavior” because of the arrival of the aircraft carrier. Both countries regularly deny North Korea’s accusations that their joint military exercises are preparing an attack. Tensions on the Korean peninsula have recently increased significantly.


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