Conflict: Foreign Office: Germans among those abducted by Hamas

Foreign Office: Germans among those abducted by Hamas

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) makes a statement in the Federal Chancellery on the major attack by the Islamist Hamas on Israel. photo

© Fabian Sommer/dpa

The situation in Israel also affects German citizens. Chancellor Scholz initially only reacted briefly to the attack on Platform X. Now he explains in detail.

The federal government assumes that these are from the Islamist Hamas There are also German citizens abducted from Israel. The Foreign Office in Berlin said that, according to the Foreign Ministry’s findings, these were people who all had Israeli as well as German citizenship. Today the Federal Government’s crisis team met again at the Foreign Office.

Based on the information currently available, the Foreign Office said that the German embassy in Tel Aviv was coordinating very closely with the Israeli authorities. We also ask for your understanding that, in order to protect the people affected, we cannot comment publicly on either the number or individual cases. It has already been said that the federal government generally does not comment on individual consular cases and hostage-taking of German citizens.

Scholz assures Israel of unwavering solidarity

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) promised Germany’s solidarity with Israel after the large-scale attack by the Islamist Hamas.

In a telephone conversation, he assured Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that “Germany stands firmly and unwaveringly on Israel’s side in the face of this terrible attack,” said Scholz in the Chancellery in Berlin. “Israel’s security is German raison d’être. This is especially true in difficult times like these. And we will act accordingly.”

Scholz called Hamas’ attack “barbaric” and “outrageous” and emphasized: “Israel has the right to defend itself against these barbaric attacks, to protect its citizens and to pursue the attackers.”

The Chancellor announced that he would hold detailed telephone calls with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to discuss the situation.

“One thing is clear: We condemn Hamas’ actions in the strongest possible terms. Above all, we are doing everything we can to ensure that this attack does not turn into a conflagration with incalculable consequences for the entire region,” said Scholz. “And we warn everyone against fueling and perpetuating terror in this situation.”

Scholz condemns Palestinian celebrations

At the same time, Scholz condemned pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Germany on the occasion of the attack on Israel. “We do not accept it when the heinous attacks against Israel are celebrated here on our streets,” he said.

“The suffering, the destruction, the death of so many people cannot be a cause for joy for anyone.” His thoughts are “with the citizens of Israel in these difficult hours, who have suffered many victims.”

In Berlin-Neukölln, around 50 people gathered on Saturday evening for what the police said was a pro-Palestinian demonstration. A video on Instagram shared by the anti-Israel network Samidoun showed a group chanting slogans. The organization distributed sweet baked goods to passers-by on Saturday afternoon, “in celebration of the victory of the resistance,” as it wrote on Instagram.

The public display of joy also sparked outrage among other politicians. The Green Party’s political director, Emily Büning, said the incidents should be condemned. “I think there is no time for anyone to celebrate when Israel is attacked.” It is dramatic that this happened.

FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai said: “These people reject our values, and these people simply have no place here.” This must play a role in questions of work permits and naturalization. The first parliamentary managing director of the AfD parliamentary group, Bernd Baumann, explained: “This is also a slap in the face of this failed migration policy, which we have always warned about.” The CDU has been letting people into the country uncontrolled for years. “This is the receipt.”


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