Conclusion of the conference of interior ministers: No deportations to Iran for the time being

Status: 12/02/2022 3:08 p.m

At the end of the conference of interior ministers in Munich, the participants agreed not to deport any more people to Iran for the time being. Exceptions should apply to dangerous people or other perpetrators.

For the time being, rejected asylum seekers should no longer be deported to Iran. The interior ministers of the federal and state governments agreed on this at their autumn conference in Munich. This was announced by the Bavarian head of department Joachim Herrmann (CSU) at the end of the conference.

Such a deportation stop had been repeatedly demanded by various parties in the past few weeks. Herrmann said that there will still be exceptions to this deportation freeze in the case of threats or perpetrators of serious crimes.

Pistorius wanted a formal freeze on deportations

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) emphasized that she was very satisfied that all countries had agreed on a uniform approach to the issue. Everything must be done to protect people from the brutality of the mullahs’ regime. The Iranian government is using brutal force against peaceful protests by the opposition.

Lower Saxony’s Interior Minister Boris Pistorius, as spokesman for the SPD-led interior departments, criticized the fact that it was not possible to agree on a formal stop on deportations with the interior ministries led by the CDU and CSU.

Nevertheless, he described it as progress that one could at least agree on a uniform approach to the issue in favor of the people from Iran. This corresponds to a de facto deportation stop.

More time for pact on civil protection

At their meeting, the interior ministers of the federal states also agreed to give the federal government more time to expand civil defense and disaster control in Germany. According to information from the dpa news agency, they are now only asking the federal government for a viable concept from 2024.

As early as spring, the conference of interior ministers called for around ten billion euros for a civil protection pact for the next ten years – actually from 2023. Due to the high federal spending as a result of the Ukraine war, the federal government’s specialist ministries are currently having to be much more economical.

With a view to the war in Ukraine, the group of ministers also adhered to the need to set up a nationwide siren infrastructure. According to reports, she demanded that the special support program, which expires at the end of the year, be continued and provided with significantly more money.

Countries with asylum “at the limit”

The meeting in Munich also dealt with how to deal with asylum seekers. According to Herrmann, the federal states and municipalities in Germany are already very busy due to the high number of asylum seekers. “You can say they’re at the limit,” he said.

In view of the high numbers, the federal government not only has to help the states financially, but also with other measures. As examples he named a limitation of the general number of immigrants and a consistent repatriation of rejected asylum seekers.

Beuth: The federal government sends the wrong signals

Hesse’s Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) emphasized on the subject of asylum that the federal government is currently sending the wrong signals. Therefore, the Union countries are concerned that the already high immigration figures could continue to rise.

Therefore, a restrictive approach to the granting of German citizenship is needed. The Bundestag recently decided to make changes to this.

Conference of Interior Ministers welcomes Kusel verdict

The conference of interior ministers also welcomed the verdict in the case of the fatal shots at two police officers near Kusel in Rhineland-Palatinate. “It’s good that the murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment and that the particular gravity of the guilt was established,” said Herrmann. The interior ministers of the federal and state governments thought together of the two police officers who were killed.

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