Comment on flood protection in Bavaria: More courage to do the unpopular – Bavaria

Bavaria has done a lot for flood protection, that’s true. But the CSU and the Free Voters have always portrayed themselves as understanding those opposed to wind turbines and polders. This style of politics could soon come back to haunt them.

During the Corona pandemic, one sentence was used very often: “There is no glory in prevention”. Loosely translated: There is no glory for those who prevent disasters. Only a beating if they fail. So if you want to be fair to the Bavarian state government, you should not only look at the dams that could not stop the flood, but also at those that have held up so far. Over the past 25 years, the Free State has invested a lot of money in flood protection, built hundreds of kilometers of dykes and renaturalized waterways. Anyone who ignores this is making it very easy for themselves.

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