Commemorations of May 8, return of the burqa in Afghanistan and deadly bombardment in Ukraine

Did you bridge the gap, even though May 8 fell on a Sunday this year? And you want to catch up on the news of the past 48 hours? Do not panic 20 minutes is there for that.

1-Emmanuel Macron commemorates the Victory of May 8, 1945 in the context of the war in Ukraine

President Emmanuel Macron celebrated in Paris the 77th anniversary of the May 8, 1945 victory of the Allies over Nazi Germany, a special ceremony in the context of the war in Ukraine and on the eve of the traditional Russian military parade in Moscow.

This commemoration opens an international sequence for the Head of State who will take part in a videoconference of G7 members on Sunday at the end of the day “relating to the situation in Ukraine”, before going to Strasbourg on Monday for Europe Day and , in the process, to Berlin to meet Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Monday will also be the day of the celebration by Russia of the victory over Nazi Germany, the occasion of a demonstration of military power in the midst of the war in Ukraine.

2-Marine Le Pen launches the legislative campaign by attacking the “king’s jester” Mélenchon

Marine Le Pen launched her campaign for the legislative elections in Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais), where she is a candidate for re-election, targeting Jean-Luc Mélenchon, described as “king’s fool”, for having, according to her, favored the re-election of Emmanuel Macron.

“To be able to win a legislative election, he would have to agree to run, already. It would be a good start”, also launched Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon having announced that he himself would probably not be a candidate.

She said she hoped that the RN would come “in force to the National Assembly to lead the fight against the social policy that Emmanuel Macron wants to implement”.

3-The Taliban ask Afghan women to stay at home

The Taliban announced on Saturday that women must now cover their bodies and faces fully in public and avoid leaving their homes. The government issued a decree on Saturday, endorsed by the Supreme Leader of the Taliban and Afghanistan, Hibatullah Akhundzada, making it compulsory for women to wear the full veil in public.

The Taliban have clarified that their preference was for the burqa, this integral veil most often blue and meshed at eye level, but that other types of veil revealing only the eyes would be tolerated. They also felt that unless the women had a pressing reason to go out, it was “better for them to stay at home”.

4-At least 60 missing in a Russian strike on a school in Ukraine

The last fighters entrenched in Mariupol fear a final assault, while Russian strikes intensify on eastern Ukraine. This Monday, Moscow will commemorate the victory against Nazi Germany.

In recent days, these people took refuge in the Lugansk region in eastern Ukraine. The village of “Bilogorivka suffered an airstrike. The bombs hit the school and unfortunately it was completely destroyed,” the governor said on his Telegram account.

“There were a total of 90 people. 27 were saved (…) Sixty people who were in the school are most likely dead,” he said.

Ukrainian authorities have been warning for several days of a possible intensification of Russian attacks as the May 9 commemoration approaches.

5-After Sinn Fein’s victory in Northern Ireland, London calls for union

After Sinn Fein’s historic victory in Northern Ireland, London called on nationalists and unionists to unite in a local executive to ensure the “stability” of the British province, as the risk of political paralysis looms over Brexit.

Supporter of a reunification with the Republic of Ireland, Sinn Fein became the first Northern Irish party after a poll organized on Thursday, winning 27 seats out of 90 in the local Assembly, against 25 for the unionists of the DUP, viscerally attached union with Great Britain.

The victory of Sinn Fein, able to reshape the United Kingdom, allows the nationalist party, former political showcase of the paramilitary group Irish Republican Army (IRA), to appoint a local Prime Minister, Michelle O’Neill, for the first time in a hundred years of history of a province where Brexit has reignited tensions.

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