Colloidal silver: no cure for cancer • Medicine Transparent : Medicine Transparent

A cancer diagnosis is life-changing—whether it strikes you or a loved one. Treatment options are available for most cancers today. However, they do not always bring the desired success, they usually have side effects. Then some of those affected start looking for help outside of scientific medicine. A number of alleged miracle cures are recommended on the Internet – but without scientific evidence of their effectiveness.

One such remedy is colloidal silver. These are tiny silver particles that are dissolved in water and drunk. It’s mostly touted as a “natural” remedy for infectious diseases, including Covid-19 — an empty claim, as we see in our research have already figured out.

However, there is also repeated talk of an alleged effectiveness against cancer. A reader affected by cancer brought this to our attention. He wanted to know if colloidal silver could actually help him.

Colloidal silver and cancer: research is lacking

Despite an extensive search of three different research databases, we couldn’t find a single study examining this. We just found a few experiments with cancer cells in the lab. However, the results cannot be transferred to humans. It is completely unclear whether swallowed silver reaches the cancer cells in a sufficiently high concentration and has the same effect there as in the test tube. Or whether it could be just as harmful to healthy body cells as it is to cancer cells in the required amount.

So the claim that colloidal silver can help people with cancer or protect against cancer is completely unfounded. In the worst case, it can lead to those affected forgoing other, well-researched treatments in favor of such agents.

Well informed about cancer

This provides scientifically sound information on other so-called complementary medical treatment methods for cancer German Cancer Information Center.

Affected persons can find general information on all types of cancer and their treatment options here.

Silver: Useless for the body

It is often wrongly claimed that the body needs silver but absorbs too little of it because of our modern way of life and food production. However, it is true that silver plays no role in the human body. Unlike essential trace elements and minerals, the body does not need silver, and there is no known “silver deficiency”. [1,2].

Damage is possible

Silver dissolved in water or swallowed as a dietary supplement is partly excreted. The rest, however, remains and is deposited in the organs, such as the intestines, kidneys or brain. In high doses, it can cause damage there. Silver deposits in the skin can also lead to a permanent blue-grey discoloration known as argyria [1].

In addition, colloidal silver can inhibit the absorption of other medications, such as antibiotics or thyroid medications [3].
Neither the benefits nor the safety of silver as a dietary supplement have been adequately researched [4]. Because of the possible serious side effects, the health authority in the USA (FDA) advises against taking colloidal silver [5].

silver in medicine

Silver inhibits the growth of bacteria, fungi and viruses – it has an antimicrobial effect [2]. That’s why it’s drunk as silver water protect against infections or can treat them effectively, however, this does not mean. Incidentally, the same applies to another precious metal, colloidal gold.

In any case, colloidal silver for drinking does not play a role in modern medicine. Silver, on the other hand, is used in other forms, for example as silver-coated wound dressings. Some dentists also use silver compounds to treat tooth decay [1,2].

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