College until 6 p.m., school at 2 years old… What to expect from the measures announced by Macron?

“School inequality is created in these times when the child has been sent home”. A relentless observation made by Emmanuel Macron this Monday in Marseille, when he mentioned the students of sensitive neighborhoods. Hence his desire to do more to help them. He thus announced that the REP colleges, the Priority Education Networks, were going to be gradually opened from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and that kindergarten would be accessible from the age of 2, starting with Marseille.

Announcements that are in line with the measures taken since its first five-year term to try to reduce educational inequalities, which are also social in France: the duplication of CP, CE1 and large section classes in REP, the development of educational success internships during the summer…

Additional time to progress and open up to other activities

The idea of ​​opening the college longer to students is based on the observation that on the days when they finish classes early, they are often left to their own devices. “Pupils who evolve in more privileged neighborhoods benefit from interesting extracurricular activities, support lessons or are helped by their parents with their homework. Hence the good idea of ​​the government to create a public school service that does not stop at the end of lessons, for all students from disadvantaged neighborhoods”, deciphers Guillaume Prévost, general delegate of VersLeHaut, a think tank dedicated to education.

During this additional time in college, students could, according to Emmanuel Macron, benefit even more from the “homework done” device, launched in 2017, to acquire a working method and obtain explanations on points that they do not have. Understood. According to the details given to 20 minutes by Rue de Grenelle, 4 hours of “homework done” per week would thus be offered “to all students from 6th to 3rd (one hour a day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays)”. Pupils could also play sports or benefit from artistic education sessions, career discovery sessions, etc. A measure “which will concern 30 Educational Cities* for 2023-2024 and, ultimately, all school pupils (in the approximately 200 educational cities of the country), i.e. nearly 900,000 students, by 2027”, specifies the Ministry of Education.

Questions about setting up the device

A good measure on paper, but which raises questions about its feasibility. First of all concerning the human means to implement it. Because it does not seem obvious that the heads of establishments can find enough supervisors (teachers, educational assistants) to develop the “homework done” sessions: “If Emmanuel Macron’s idea is to start from the coming back to school, it seems very complicated, because the means have already been allocated and the timetables are already closed, ”explains Elisabeth Allain-Moreno, secretary general of SE-Unsa. But the Ministry of Education hopes to convince many teachers to sign a Pact (system set up at the start of the 2023 school year to encourage teachers to accept additional assignments to earn more) or to agree to work overtime.

Same obstacles to overcome concerning artistic and sporting activities: “To put them in place, you have to establish a partnership with the local authorities, so that they solicit local associations. It cannot be improvised, at the risk of replaying the sketch of the reform of school rhythms. The promises must not remain incantatory,” emphasizes Guillaume Prévost. To which the Ministry of Education responds by recognizing the need for “significant work of consultation and coordination at the local level to implement part of the offer of communities and associations”.

Another unknown: will the students be ready to stay longer in college? Because this should be done on a voluntary basis. However, if we refer to what has happened in recent years with the “Homework done” measure, it is difficult to be very optimistic. Because only 30% of college students participate each year, and generally those who have no academic difficulty. “Those who are in a situation of rupture with the college do not want to spend more time there”, notes Elisabeth Allain-Moreno. However, the colleges of Rep often concentrate a large number of fragile pupils. According to her, convincing students to stay longer in their establishment requires prior consultation between the teaching team, associations and families.

Early schooling, a beneficial measure, but not easy to organize

In addition, as we have said, Emmanuel Macron wishes to “develop reception in schools from the age of 2 for those who wish” in Marseille. This measure will be extended to the 300 most sensitive neighborhoods in France by 2027, said the presidency. A measure that is really effective in reducing inequalities, according to Elisabeth Allain-Moreno: “The earlier children learn the French language, the less difficulty they have afterwards”. It remains to be seen whether it is possible to open more classes. What Guillaume Prévost believes possible: “School demography is collapsing. There will be room,” he said.

Work of conviction will also be necessary with the families. “Some parents don’t work and don’t necessarily see the point of early schooling for their children. We must give local associations time to explain the benefits to them,” insists Elisabeth Allain-Moreno.

Finally, Emmanuel Macron mentioned the idea of ​​having “fewer students per class in the middle section of kindergarten” in these neighborhoods. Here too, the educational community is waiting for clarification: “If it is to take resources elsewhere and overload other classes in other levels or in other schools, the measure will not be favorable”, warns Elisabeth Allain- Moreno.

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