Collectible Figure: This surprise egg figure is worth a small fortune

Watch the video: Surprise egg figures over 1500 euros – This “Happy Hippo” is worth a small fortune.

Despite the low retail price, some old Kinder Surprise Egg figures are worth a small fortune. Collectors have long since discovered the figures of old children’s surprise eggs for themselves. Children’s eyes light up and older people quickly become sentimental: children are the actual target group for the famous chocolate eggs with the small toys in the yellow capsule. The 20 grams of chocolate are quickly consumed, what remains is a little surprise in the form of a figure or a toy. The chocolate eggs are available from around 80 cents, but there are sometimes real treasures lurking inside. Despite the low retail price, some old Kinder Surprise Egg figures are worth a small fortune. Collectors have long since discovered the figures of old children’s surprise eggs for themselves. As with all collectibles, what is rarer is automatically worth more. This is how old figures or misprints increase in value. Individual pieces can fetch more than 5000 euros from collectors. A hippo figure with blue eyes is currently on sale on Ebay for EUR 1,499. With white eyes, the figure is still available for 220 euros. So it’s worth going through the old stocks from childhood days again.

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