Climate summit in Glasgow: Merkel calls for global CO2 price

You can see in the video: “Not where we have to go”: Merkel is demanding global CO2 price

O-Ton Angela Merkel (CDU), Federal Chancellor: “We are not where we have to go. The reduction targets submitted by the contracting states, the NDCs, do not together result in what we agreed in Paris. And the world is hoping Of course, and I would like to emphasize that we will be in a better position at the end of this Glasgow conference. First of all, it is about the improved goals We know that the effects of climate change are devastating. And we must and I say we can implement the Paris Agreement. And not only in the course of this century, but, as we as the G20 have said, in the middle of this 21st century. We know that the industrialized countries have a special responsibility, and that of course also applies to the Federal Republic of Germany ere climate targets tightened again. We want to save 65 percent of our emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 and be climate neutral by 2045. Ladies and gentlemen, we will not make progress with government activities alone, rather it is about a comprehensive transformation of our life, work and economy. And that’s why I want to make a clear plea for pricing carbon emissions from CO2 emissions. With such a pricing, which we already have in the European Union, which is being introduced in China and which must be developed together with many others worldwide, we can bring our industry, our economy, to find the technologically best and most efficient ways to achieve Carbon neutrality to come. And it’s about changing the way we do business, how we work. And that is a comprehensive transformation. Then we will know how we can best arrange carbon-free mobility, carbon-free industry and carbon-free processes in our lives. Therefore a clear plea in the decade of action, in the decade in which we are now living, to be more ambitious nationally, but to find global instruments that not only use taxpayers’ money, but are also economically sensible. And for me that is CO2 pricing. Thank you very much!.”

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