Climate protector: Greta Thunberg wants to present new book in London

climate protector
Greta Thunberg wants to present new book in London

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg speaks to the audience on stage during the Glastonbury Festival at Worthy Farm in Somerset. Photo: Yui Mok/Press Association/dpa

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The initiator of the Fridays for Future movement focuses on climate change in her new book and lets geophysicists and meteorologists have their say. It will also be published in German in autumn.

Probably the world’s most prominent climate activist once again chooses Great Britain as the stage for her concerns: Greta Thunberg wants to present her new “Climate Book” at the end of October at the London Literature Festival.

The organizers announced the 19-year-old Swede on Wednesday as the headliner of the festival, which takes place at the end of October. Her speech will also be broadcast online.

In the book, which will also be published in Germany on October 27, international experts from a wide range of disciplines – including geophysics and meteorology, but also psychology and philosophy – have their say on climate change. These include, among many others, the Swedish director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Johan Rockström, and the German climate researcher Friederike Otto, who works in London.

Last week Thunberg used the main stage of the famous Glastonbury Festival in England to call for greater commitment to the fight against the climate crisis. “Don’t let us move an inch closer to the abyss. Because that’s exactly where we are now, »said the initiator of the Fridays for Future movement.


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