Climate crisis: Habeck warns of the failure of the coalition negotiations

Climate crisis
Habeck warns of the failure of the coalition negotiations

“Then we failed in the coalition negotiations”: Robert Habeck. Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Can the knot still be broken? For the Greens boss Robert Habeck, climate protection still plays too subordinate a role in the traffic light talks. Because of this, the negotiations could ultimately fail.

In the coalition negotiations, Green leader Robert Habeck increased the pressure on the traffic light partners of the SPD and FDP in terms of climate protection.

If the parties could not agree on measures to meet the 1.5 degree target agreed in the exploratory talks, “then we have failed in the coalition negotiations,” said Habeck on Friday on the RBB information radio.

According to Habeck, it was agreed that the next government would have to be a climate government. The question now arises as to what the SPD and FDP have achieved in terms of climate protection in the previous negotiations. Starting next week, negotiations will continue in a large group, and “then we will try to cut the knot”. According to the 52-year-old, “everything can dissolve with good will and, above all, provided that you come to terms with reality”.

The 22 working groups set up for the coalition negotiations between the SPD, Greens and FDP should submit their results papers to the party leaderships by Wednesday evening. So far, little has been known about the content. The remaining points of contention should be clarified in top rounds. The first meeting of the main negotiating group is next Monday.

The Green leader also took a critical look at the results of the World Climate Conference in Glasgow so far. A dynamic is recognizable and there are good initiatives, such as an alliance of states that wants to get out of the production of gas and oil, “but there are also huge problems with the financial commitments,” he said on the RBB Inforadio. The federal government failed to play a more active role in Glasgow – although it could have done so in coordination with the SPD, FDP and the Greens.


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