Climate change: New climate in the world’s oceans puts species to the test – knowledge

By the end of this century, large parts of the oceans could have climatic conditions that many species can no longer tolerate, researchers warn. The consequences would be dramatic.


Benjamin von Brackel

A redistribution of life is taking place under the surface of the water. Because the world’s oceans are warming, fish, plankton and even corals try to move in the direction of the poles – that is, where the conditions are cooler. In contrast to land dwellers, living things in the sea react much more directly to changes in temperature. And they can do it too: The oceans offer them the space to swim away or to let themselves be carried away. The situation on land is different, where mountains and rivers, settlements, arable land and roads block the path for the species. On average, sea creatures therefore travel 72 kilometers per decade in the direction of the two poles, but land dwellers only 17 kilometers per decade.


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