Climate change and architecture: energy transition in beautiful style

Solar systems on the roof, heat pumps in front of the house, wind turbines in the garden: climate friendliness is becoming an aesthetic problem area. But there are solutions.


Gerhard Matzig

Sometimes there are questions that stand at the beginning of unusual careers. Questions that you have to answer yourself in the end. In the case of Sigrid Amling, who is actually an accountant and lives in the town of Neunkirchen-Seelscheid between Cologne and Bonn, the first question was: “Does that also exist in beautiful?” Today the accountant is still an accountant. But also part-time designer and almost architect. Also CEO of the company she founded, CAV (Climatic Art Vision). Sigrid Amling is a problem area expert. And from an architectural point of view, combined heat and power machines, i.e. heat pumps, are exactly that: enormous problem areas.

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