Claudia Roth at Maischberger: Good closing words – Media

Islamism, anti-Semitism, Sylt, traffic lights, flood: Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth dribbles the ball skilfully into the goal on Maischberger after a solo over many, many obstacles.

Not only “the people”, sometimes politicians too, want to be picked up – and Sandra Maischberger gave Claudia Roth this pleasure on Tuesday evening. Instead of pictures of anti-Semitism banners or university protest camps, she placed the Minister of State for Culture in front of a dramatic panorama with floods and helicopters from the flooded Bavarian Babenhausen, Roth’s home town. And she had barely been greeted when the director cut to a clip from this spot in the Unterallgäu, where we saw Roth in fire engine red and rubber boots trudging through the mud. “I know every corner there,” she said, talking about the pharmacist, the ice cream seller, the doctor’s office and everything they had lost in the floods.

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