Church: Woelki wants to remain archbishop – the pope an “old man”

Woelki wants to remain archbishop – the pope an “old man”

Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki speaks a prayer of consecration for Russia and Ukraine in Cologne Cathedral. Photo: Henning Kaiser/dpa

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Cardinal Woelki has campaigned for a second chance in his most important advisory body – not without success. However, several participants reacted with surprise to Woelki’s statements about the Pope.

The Cologne Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki has promoted in his most important advisory body for a common new beginning in the largest German diocese.

He wanted to remain archbishop, but put his fate in the hands of the pope, said Woelki at the non-public meeting of the diocesan pastoral council on Friday evening and Saturday in Düsseldorf.

Irritations about the Pope’s statement

Woelki caused irritation among several of the approximately 60 members of the committee present with statements about Pope Francis. He described the Pope as “old” and “out of touch with reality”, reported several members of the German Press Agency. A spokesman for the archdiocese said that although Woelki used the phrase “old man” for the 85-year-old pope, this was in no way meant to be disrespectful. One of the participants said about Woelki: “We experienced an honest, authentic bishop.”

The willingness to give Woelki a second chance was noticeable, said Wuppertal city dean Bruno Kurth after the two-day meeting, but so was skepticism. “I fluctuate between the realistic perception of what I experienced on the two days and the principle of hope,” said Kurth. “With a view to our archdiocese, I ask myself the question: are we making progress – or is a lot of what we experienced before the break repeated?”

Francis had sent Woelki on a break

Pope Francis had accused Woelki of “big mistakes” last year, especially in his communication, and sent him on a five-month break. Previously, Woelki had come under criticism, among other things, because he had not published an expert opinion on the handling of diocese officials with allegations of abuse due to legal concerns. Woelki offered the Pope his resignation, but the Pope has not yet decided on this. A month ago, Woelki initially resumed his official duties.

At the meeting in Düsseldorf, Woelki announced that he wanted to reform the administration of the archdiocese. In the future, there should no longer be a theologian at the top, but an administrative expert. The previous Vicar General Markus Hofmann – Woelki’s deputy – gives up his post on July 1st. Hofmann is considered a loyal supporter of Woelkis, but was increasingly criticized together with him. On Friday, the Archdiocese announced that a routine check had revealed a contract in the foundation area of ​​the Archdiocese of Cologne that required further clarification.


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