Christine Prayon gets out of “heute-show” – and sharply criticizes the show

ZDF broadcast
Christine Prayon leaves “heute-show” – and sharply criticizes Oliver Welke and Jan Böhmermann

Since 2011 Christine Prayon has been on the “heute-show”

© Horst Galuschka/ / Picture Alliance

As “Birte Schneider” Christine Prayon was an integral part of the ZDF “heute show” for years. Now she gets out of the show and explains why she no longer wants to participate in the satirical show.

For more than 10 years she appeared as a reporter “Birte Schneider” in the “heute-show”. Had last September However, Christine Prayon made her last appearance on the ZDF program. Now the cabaret artist expresses sharp criticism of her former colleagues and talks about her exit from the satirical show.

In an interview with the weekly newspaper “Kontext”, Prayon criticized the moderator Oliver Welke and his team for making dissidents ridiculous. “Satire must not engage in narrowing the discourse,” says Prayon. She also addressed this to those responsible for the program.

“I thought: How can you do that?”

According to her, “narratives and positions of groups that are high up in the social hierarchy are repeated incessantly and at the same time a mood is made against those who think differently”. For her, this has “nothing to do with satire anymore”.

But not only does Prayon criticize the content of the “heute-show”. Her colleague Jan Böhmermann also reinforces the narratives she condemns with his program “ZDF Magazin Royale”. “I can still remember one show well. It was about non-vaccinated people, and then he leaned back and showed two stinky fingers. I thought, how can you do that?” Said the cabaret artist. “I’m no longer a friend of satirical programs, whether Böhmermann, ‘Anstalt’ or others.” According to “turi2”, however, ZDF has now announced that, even after a thorough search, such a scene from Böhmermann’s show could not be found anywhere.

Prayon has been suffering from symptoms of illness since the pandemic

According to her, the fact that the 49-year-old has not appeared on the “heute-show” for months is because she is currently suffering from insomnia, tachycardia, muscle tremors and depressive episodes. So far, nobody has been able to tell her whether her symptoms came from corona disease or a vaccination.

Sources: context weekly newspaper, Southgerman newspaper

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See in the video: The “Heute Show” has been running on ZDF since 2009. As Germany’s most successful satirical show, it regularly mixes nonsense with information and takes on top politicians every week.

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