Christina and Luca Hänni: Birth of their daughter was “so incredibly emotional”

Christina and Luca Hänni
Birth of her daughter was “so incredibly emotional”

Luca and Christina Hänni are new parents.

© IMAGO/Image Agency Monn

Christina and Luca Hänni became parents a few days ago. The “Let’s Dance” couple spoke about the birth in their podcast.

A new phase of life has begun for Luca Hänni (29) and his wife Christina Hänni (34): On June 16, the couple announced that their first daughter had been born. Since then, the little one has turned the life of the “Let’s Dance” couple upside down. Nevertheless, the new parents have now managed to get an episode of her podcast “Don’t worry be Hänni” and to review the first days with her baby.

“There are three of us,” Luca Hänni proudly announces right at the beginning of the episode. The birth of his daughter “really touched” him, he says: “It was a beautiful birth and so incredibly emotional.” His wife feels the same way: after the birth, she felt “invincible.” “All I can say is that it is an incredibly intense experience. I don’t think there is anything that can ever overshadow it,” the dancer enthuses. Her daughter is “simply perfect.”

The postpartum period is “bumpy” for Christina Hänni

But despite all the joy of having a baby, Christina Hänni also struck a serious note. “Every woman who has ever had a postpartum period knows how I feel. It’s bumpy. It’s wonderful, but you just have all the feelings you can have, multiplied by ten,” she explained. She was reaching her limits both physically and “mentally.”

After the birth, Hänni continued to have pain. “I’m just going to lie down for a bit now,” she says. On the morning of the podcast recording, she was able to sit again for the first time. That’s why the 34-year-old is very dependent on her partner’s support. “You help so much. Because I can’t get up, you do everything. You bring me everything, you cook,” she praises him. Luca is currently also responsible for changing diapers.

Everyday life after birth slowly returns

For the Hännis, it is now important to get to know each other as a family, to cuddle and not to lose their sense of humor even in difficult situations. “We are getting into the groove here now,” says Christina Hänni optimistically. The couple are slowly settling into their everyday lives and Luca Hänni is already back to work, as the singer has already performed a few times.

Former “DSDS” winner Luca Hänni and his current wife Christina met as dance partners on “Let’s Dance” in 2020. A few months after the show finale, they announced their relationship, and the wedding followed in summer 2023. The small family lives together in Lucas Hänni’s home country, Switzerland.


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