Christiane Taubira wins the popular Primary and calls the left candidates to the Union

There should only be one left. With enthusiasm or against their will, Yannick Jadot, Pierre Larrouturou, Anne Hidalgo, Christiane Taubira, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Charlotte Marchandise and Anna Agueb-Porterie were the seven candidates in the running for the Popular Primary, a citizen movement launched in the hope of bring out a candidacy on the left. It’s finally Christiane Taubira which has been appointed, at the end of a campaign which has already largely destabilized the left.

Christine Taubira obtained the mention “much more”, ahead of the ecologist Yannick Jadot (quite much more), the rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon (quite less), the MEP Pierre Larrouturou (passable more) and the socialist Anne Hidalgo (passable more).

84.1% turnout

Nearly 467,000 people had registered to vote, much more than for the environmentalist primary, for example. Voters were invited to express themselves since Thursday according to the mode of majority judgment, which consists in assigning a note to each candidate to bring out a consensus. The ballot closed at 5 p.m., with a participation of 84.1% according to the organizers.

A victory in this primary was the sine qua non for Christiane Taubira’s candidacy for the presidential election to be official. The former Keeper of the Seals was also a favorite. On the other hand, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Yannick Jadot, as well as Anne Hidalgo after a period of hesitation, clearly indicated that they would not take the result of the ballot into account.

The call to unite

Just crowned with her victory, Christiane Taubira called in the evening on the other left-wing candidates to “unite and rally” for the presidential election.

“I will take the initiative to call (formally, editor’s note) the other candidates”, citing the socialist, environmentalist, rebellious and communist leaders, she said during a speech after the result of this unprecedented citizens’ initiative. “I know their reluctance but I also know their intelligence and their sense of the general interest. This union, we are building it together,” she added.

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