Christiane Taubira “plans to be a candidate” in the presidential election, Anne Hidalgo offers a televised debate on the left

Former Minister of Justice (2012 to 2016) and member of Guyana (1993 to 2012) Christiane Taubira announced on Friday, December 17, that she was considering running for the presidential election. Figure of the law recognizing trafficking and slavery as a crime against humanity (in 2001) then of that opening marriage to persons of the same sex, in 2013, Christiane Taubira, 69, no longer held an elective mandate or responsibility in a political party since her resignation from the government of Manuel Valls.

Eight candidates have so far been declared on the left and far left, less than two weeks after Anne Hidalgo’s call for a rally around a unified candidacy as part of the popular primary. With nearly 285,000 registered, the platform has been trying for several months to rally the left-wing candidates to the principle of a primary, without success until the announcement of the mayor of Paris, joined by Arnaud Montebourg but criticized by all other parties. The “rebellious” Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the communist Fabien Roussel and the ecologist Yannick Jadot have notably clearly expressed their refusal to submit to a new tie-breaker, less than four months before the first round of the presidential election.

His last candidacy for the Elysee Palace, when she wore the colors of the Radical Left Party (PRG), date of the 2002 ballot. Several personalities then criticized Taubira, accusing him of having contributed to the elimination of the socialist candidate Lionel Jospin from the evening of the first round. Christiane Taubira has been casting doubt on the form of her commitment for 2022 for several months. “Yes, I will be there if there is a need to fight”, she had declared in September 2019 on France Inter, while saying not to believe “To women, to providential men”. On September 16, 2021, again on France Inter, the former minister finally seemed to rule out this option by declaring: “I don’t want to go nicely line up as a 7e or 8e candidate from the left. “

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The popular primary does not create a union within the Socialist Party

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At the beginning of December: Christiane Taubira maintains doubts about a possible presidential candidacy

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