Christian Kahrmann: For him, that’s the worst thing about the corona virus

Christian Kahrmann
For him, that’s the worst thing about the coronavirus

Christian Kahrmann became known through the “Lindenstrasse”.

© imago / Sabine Gudath

Christian Kahrmann almost died from it – claims that Covid-19 is harmless annoy him more than ever.

Christian Kahrmann (49) suffered from fear of death during his Covid 19 illness because he could no longer get enough air: In an interview with the magazine “Apotheken Umschau”, the actor, who was seriously ill last March, said that this was his experience I suddenly changed my view of Corona. Claims that Covid-19 did not exist or that it was harmless annoyed him more than ever today.

But what really shocked him, according to Kahrmann, was “how we humans treat each other at the moment – especially on the Internet”. There are some who suspected there that his story was fictitious and that he was only advertising for vaccination. “So much energy is wasted insulting yourself. The division in society is perhaps the worst part of the virus.”

Three weeks in a coma

Kahrmann was in an artificial coma for three weeks during his illness last spring. He was still suffering from long-covid symptoms that were slowly improving, such as pain in limbs and joints, as well as attacks of weakness and insomnia. A lot got a higher value for him today: “I saw how quickly it can be over, although I always felt strong and fit.”

When Christian Kahrmann woke up from his coma, he found out about the death of his father, who was also suffering from Corona. A little later his mother died of cancer. Therapy should now help him to work through everything, according to the actor in the “Apotheken Umschau”.

Known from the “Lindenstrasse”

Christian Kahrmann played the role of Benny Beimer in “Lindenstrasse” from 1985 to 1993. In 2010 and 2020, the TV star returned as a guest in the popular series. He is also known from films such as “Bang Boom Bang”, “The Tribunal” and from the series “Eine wie keine”.


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