Christian Estrosi withdraws his delegations to Henry-Jean Servat who considers himself “fired for insolence and outspokenness”

“Nice, metropolis of North Korea? In a tweet published Thursday evening, Henry-Jean Servat settles accounts with Christian Estrosi. The writer and municipal councilor, who has just had his two delegations withdrawn after statements critical of the municipality, believes he was “fired for insolence, disrespect and outspokenness”. “We still have to do it in 2023”, slice the celebrity journalist, who says he is still thinking about his future among the elected officials of the fifth city of France.

Relations between the two men had suddenly deteriorated on Saturday, after the broadcast from an interview on the website of Nice morning. Henry-Jean Servat, until then delegate for animal protection and sub-delegate for the seventh art, gave his opinion there, among other things, on local cultural policy. And without waffle. The “woke” programming of the opera, the “horrible” statues of Richard Orlinski exhibited in town, but also the “people who deal with cinema” and who “know nothing about it”…

The hot file of the destruction of the TNN

Asked about the destruction of the historic building of the National Theater of Nice (TNN), a hot file and criticized by the municipality, Henry-Jean Servat even judged that it was “not good”, that it was “a pity”. The explosion in town hall is such that the councilor, elected in June 2020, is summoned to come and explain himself. He is summoned by the mayor so that the latter can “obtain clarification” on these “inadmissible remarks”.

According to the municipality, the elected official did not respect the terms of a charter, signed in September 2022 and sent to 20 minutes, in which he undertook in particular to “support the municipal and metropolitan action of Christian Estrosi”.

“He said aloud what the elected officials of Nice think quietly”

Eventually, the penalties fall. Henry-Jean Servat is first deprived of his delegation to the cinema. Then, Thursday, it is that related to animal protection, which was perhaps more close to his heart, which is withdrawn from him. The chosen one, however, believes in another message on Twitter to have “undeserved in nothing” and on the contrary to have “worked perfectly”. “I never said a bad word about the mayor and I have my sincerity”, he developed, considering himself “frank and loyal”.

A freedom of tone welcomed in any case on the right. According to the deputy and boss of LR Éric Ciotti, “he said out loud what the elected officials of Nice think quietly”. The members of the group Reconquest! even decided “unanimously” to offer him to join them “as an elected relative, keeping his freedom of tone and opinion on the themes that are dear to him”. The mayor of Nice would obviously prefer to see him leave the benches of the council than to come and strengthen the opposition. “The majority pact having been broken”, Christian Estrosi indeed asked Henry-Jean Servat “to draw the consequences by resigning”. The main interested party has not yet made any decision. “I’ll see,” he simply says on the social network.

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