Childless woman fights prejudice with funny Tiktok videos

Watch the video: Childless teacher defends herself against prejudice and becomes a Tiktok star with her parodies.

This 52-year-old has absolutely no regrets about not having children.

Jessica Hawk-Ippolito shares on Tiktok how she often has to defend herself against allegations.

The American made a conscious decision not to have a family and in favor of her career as a teacher.

On her Tiktok channel, she mainly shares funny videos about her everyday school life – and inspires her students with them.

She now has more than 300 thousand followers and more than 12 million likes on the social media platform.

With the support of her students, Jessica even won an award for Coolest Teacher.

Being childless has a big advantage: the teacher has a lot of time to travel and teaches students all over the world.

The 52-year-old did not find fulfillment as a mother, but in working with children and young people.

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