Chancellor visits Putin: Scholz wants to solve the Ukraine crisis “resolutely and courageously” – Politics

Scholz begins talks with Putin about the Ukraine conflict in Moscow – Chancellor emphasizes the importance of the dialogue

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has met in Moscow for his eagerly awaited meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the start of the meeting, which was broadcast on Russian television, Scholz emphasized the importance of dialogue against the background of the Ukraine crisis. “I’m glad it’s possible now.”

For his part, Putin announced that the talks would primarily focus on the security situation in Europe and in particular the Ukraine conflict.

Immediately before the meeting of the two politicians, the Kremlin had confirmed the planned withdrawal of some of its soldiers who had gathered on the border with Ukraine. This is a “normal process,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists. At the same time he announced that Russia would “conduct further military exercises”.

The massive deployment of troops has been fueling fears in the West of Russia invading the neighboring country for weeks. Moscow has rejected any plans of attack and justified the mobilization of troops in the west of the country with military exercises. At the same time, the Kremlin has repeatedly stated in recent weeks that it feels threatened by NATO. (AFP)

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