Chancellor Scholz in an ARD interview: “Putin wants to blur and obfuscate”

Status: 15.06.2024 10:15 a.m.

Before the Ukraine conference in Switzerland, Chancellor Scholz ARD interview He rejected Russia’s proposals for peace negotiations. However, he said he was willing to talk to Putin – under one condition.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has pledged his full support to Ukraine ahead of today’s peace conference in Switzerland. “This is a sign to Ukraine that it can rely on us and a sign to Putin that he cannot expect our support to diminish,” the Chancellor said in an interview with the Head of the ARD capital studio Markus Preiß.

Scholz was negative about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposals to start peace talks. Everyone knows that these proposals are not serious, but have something to do with the conference in Switzerland. “What we need is not a dictated peace, but a fair and just peace that takes the integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine into account,” said Scholz.

Putin’s proposal follows a calculation

Putin’s proposal is deliberately aimed at the countries’ domestic politics. Putin knows that people want a peaceful development in the conflict. “And that’s why he wants to obscure and conceal the fact that he is the one who started a brutal war and is continuing it unchanged.”

Putin had set conditions for peace talks with the Ukrainian government on Friday. Russia would stop fighting if Ukraine gave up its aspirations to join NATO, he said. He also demanded the withdrawal of the Ukrainian army from the four regions that Russia has declared to be annexed.

Scholz ready to talk – under conditions

Scholz nevertheless stressed that he wanted to talk to Putin. “I have always said that I would do that again sometime,” said Scholz. But there has to be the right time for that. “Such a conversation only makes sense if there is something to discuss,” said the Chancellor.

The peace conference is an important first step. Although the big, important questions will not be decided there, the foundations will be laid for making progress.

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