Champions versus cup winners: Supercup versus Leipzig: Tuchel wants a boost for Bayern

Champions vs Cup Winners
Supercup against Leipzig: Tuchel wants a boost for Bavaria

Can win his second title with FC Bayern in the Supercup against Leipzig: Coach Thomas Tuchel. photo

© Sven Hoppe/dpa

Thomas Tuchel’s memories of the last home game against Leipzig are still very present. The Supercup should now come to a successful end for the Munich team – unlike the Bundesliga game in May.

Thomas Tuchel is hoping for success for his Bayern Munich team Supercup against RB Leipzig on Saturday (8.45 p.m.) in the home stadium momentum for the upcoming tasks.

“The Supercup is very important because there can be another huge boost,” said Tuchel on Friday before the duel with the DFB Cup winner. “Our goal is to take the next step with a good game. We really want to win, but we know that Leipzig feel the same way.”

Müller and Choupo-Moting are good choices

Thomas Müller and Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting could also be options for the offensive for the record German champions. “Thomas and Choupo did three sessions with the team. They worked very hard and are currently free of symptoms. If it stays that way, they are candidates for the squad,” explained Tuchel.

Müller was recently absent due to hip problems. Choupo-Moting was out due to knee problems. Both had missed the Munich marketing trip to Asia.

FC Bayern’s last home game against Leipzig is still alive for Tuchel. “We have to do something good there. At the time it was extremely painful because we had the feeling that we had lost the championship,” said Tuchel, recalling the game in May. Despite a 3-1 draw at home against Leipzig on the penultimate Bundesliga match day, Bayern finally secured the championship ahead of Borussia Dortmund. Tuchel “perceives his team differently now, especially in terms of resilience.”


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