Central Group, Ping Idea, presents awards to honor retired employees via NFT avatar image

The trend of digital assets NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) is gaining interest from leading organizations around the world. therefore operates the first retail pilot in Thailand by producing digital assets in the form of employee avatar drawings Ready to be an auction medium on the world’s largest NFT trading platform Opensea. Revenue from the sale of images will be awarded as a reward for 122 retired employees in 2022, which is a new dimension in the Thai HR industry. with the first NFT auction taking place in line with Central Group’s idea of ​​moving towards Complete Digi-Lifestyle Platform

Mr. Rudee Uajongprasit, Head of People Branding & Communication Central Group said, “Thailand is increasingly entering the world of digital assets and it is likely to affect people’s lifestyles today. Central Group, as the organization transformed into the Digi- Lifestyle Platform, has taken this idea further within the organization’s HR department by creating NFT artworks, avatar drawings for retired employees, and auctioning them on the Opensea Platform Marketplace. The largest place in the world For the first time in the retail industry in Thailand It is a new dimension of HR management that offers rewards in the form of digital assets.”

In order to reward and honor employees who have performed excellently until their retirement, Virtual Retirement Day 2022 is organized on the theme of “Retirement Bright, Heart is Young Taj”, with a special highlight. The creation of 122 retired employee avatars was awarded to 122 retired employees as the world’s only unique NFT digital asset. Bid on the world’s largest Opensea digital asset trading platform. by Central Group will be an intermediary in the bidding, trading, exchange By starting to open for bidding from February 23 to February 28, for 6 days, the auction proceeds will be given to employees via E-Wallet in the C-Coin application, which is a cryptocurrency application. Cryptocurrency used within Central

On the other hand, Prasong Poo Peng, Farmer Market Lead Director, one of the retired employees of Central Food Retail Co., Ltd., who received an avatar painting, said, “Our company brings new technology. come to use in work and customer service always What is the trend of the world? The Central Group will always be in trend. So I’m glad that even though we’re retired But the company also sees that we can participate in this global trend with the company. I don’t know much about NFT yet, but it would be fun to learn something new. and is in the same trend as children of this era.”

However, Central Group has been piloting digital assets last year with the launch of C-coin, a cryptocurrency application used by organizations as a rewarding channel for employees. and to familiarize employees with Blockchain technology, which can now be used as a substitute for cash at shops and cafes in Silom zone, foodwOrld zone at CentralWorld, Tops, Supersports, OfficeMate and some B2S branches, including to be able to buy products at Central, Robinson and Central chain restaurants Restaurants Group will be available soon. In the future, Central Group will continue to lead technology or trends. to be applied in the next business operation To best meet the needs of consumers in the digital lifestyle

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