After two days in the live stream, “Celebrity Big Brother” also started on TV on Sat.1. With the live entry of Elena Miras.
Since Saturday (October 5th) all the candidates have been living in the “Celebrity Big Brother” container and are getting married for Joyn+ Watch in the live stream. All candidates? No. The makers saved the most explosive personality for the start on TV (Monday, from 8:15 p.m. on Sat.1). It is Elena Miras (32). The trash TV veteran isn’t just always good for trouble because of her temperament – she also has an explosive history with a roommate. Mike Heiter (32) is the father of her daughter. And his new girlfriend Leyla Lahouar (28) moved in with Mike, as the first couple in the history of “Celebrity Big Brother”.
The special twist of this constellation: Elena knows that her ex is in the container, but nothing about the presence of his new girlfriend. And the young couple has no idea that Elena is coming. That can be fun. A similar constellation to last year with Iris and Peter Klein.
The live show with the presenter duo Marlene Lufen (53) and Jochen Schropp (45) begins with a fake Elena appearance. Mike gets instructions from big brother to open the door. He suspects the worst, but Sarah Wagner (28) is standing at the door. The TikToker is the wildcard winner of the season.
Legends from the dawn of reality TV
Then follows a look back at the events since Saturday. First comes Alida Kurras (47). In 2000 she won the second season of “Big Brother”, and now she can take part in the celebrity edition. During her comeback she is briefly “taken by surprise” by her feelings and sheds a few tears. Mike comes to Alida, still without Leyla.
With Daniel Lopes (47), Alida is followed by another veteran from the early days of reality television. From 2002 to 2003 he was in the first season of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”. Mimi Fiedler (49) is “in the mood to return to television”. Since leaving the Stuttgart “crime scene,” the actress has made herself rare. She thinks cleaning is “better than sex,” which could make her popular in the house.
When Daniel Lopes took part in “DSDS”, Sinan Movez (19) wasn’t even born yet. The TikToker is the chick of the season. After he moves in, he wants to rehearse a dance that the celebrities should perform every time they move out. But Alida initially refuses to dance. Cecilia Asoro (28), model and reality professional, describes herself as “loud, warm, funny”. She doesn’t care what her roommates think.
Ex-footballer and ex-footballer
A real A-list celebrity is moving in with ex-national soccer player Max Kruse (36). Last year his wife Dilara was on “Celebrity Big Brother,” and now he wants to go further than her. After the ex-footballer comes the ex-footballer. Verena Kerth is best known as an ex-girlfriend, as she admits. First by Oliver Kahn, most recently by Marc Terenzi.
Matze Höhn (28) is also an ex, namely an actor from “Berlin – Day & Night”. Now he’s on TikTok full-time. Bea Peters (42) is actually a celebrity reporter, now she is switching sides. In the house, she wants to get explosive information out of the roommates. There is no fear of contact between celebrities and the press; Bea, for example, hugs Verena Kerth like an old friend.
Actor Jochen Horst (63), a former “Balko” actor and a star of the old school, promises more seriousness. He surprises his younger colleagues by confessing that he lives with two women. At first he doesn’t reveal that it’s a platonic shared apartment. At the end of the flashback, Leyla finally appears, having not seen her Mike for three days.
Bea carries out her duties in the container and quickly elicits intimate stories from her colleagues, which they are only too happy to share. Daniel reports about his criminal manager, who even threatened him with murder. The singer even bursts into tears in the interview room. Sinan talks about the bullying he faced at school after coming out as bisexual.
Alida reveals an alleged affair with Jürgen Milski (60). He was one season ahead of her on both “Big Brother” and the celebrity version, and later they hosted a show together on RTLzwei. Alida simply forgot about the cameras during her alleged confession. She didn’t want to produce headlines. But in over 20 years of absence from reality TV, something builds up.
But the celebrities also unpack without Bea. Mimi talks about her alcoholic past and Alida talks about her father’s death from cancer. Max Kruse confesses that he was “assi” towards women.
The first nomination has been confirmed
It’s also played in the first episode. In the duel room, two teams put together by Captain Matze compete against each other at Cindy from Marzahn (52). Bea and Daniel against Cecilia and Sinan. One is driving a bumper car, the other is standing behind it wearing a hat with sharp needles mounted on it. This is used to make balloons pop.
Daniel and Bea win. But only one of them receives nomination protection as a prize. Daniel simply puts the medal on Bea’s shoulders. The losing team, however, has to decide who will be nominated first. The discussion here lasts significantly longer than with the winners. Cecilia successfully argues that Sinan, with his TikTok fans behind him, won’t be voted out anyway. So Sinan takes the risk and puts on the red nomination medal.
And then finally the moment comes that Jochen Schropp and Marlene Lufen have been talking about every ten minutes. Elena Miras moves in. She announces that she will watch her tongue for the sake of her daughter. Mike doesn’t hate her, she just “shits on him.” The big reckoning could therefore not happen.
Elena stumbles into the container front yard. Mike and Leyla just grin to themselves. Elena hugs everyone. Almost all. At least she shakes Mike’s hand. But the scandal that the makers had hoped for has not yet materialized. So much ado about nothing for now.