Celebrities: Nicole Kidman talks about aggression on the film set – Panorama

Nicole Kidman56, actress, walks through closed doors. As she told the magazine The Hollywood Reporter said she had too many pent-up emotions while filming the series “Big Little Lies”. She once threw a rock through a door she wanted to go through and it was locked. “I destroyed the whole thing. It cost a fortune,” said Kidman. “I’d never done that in my life.” On the “Big Little Lies” set, she said afterwards that she was “a little angry”. Nevertheless, “the show had to go on,” which is why she didn’t take any time off. “And often it’s six months of 12-, 14-hour days, and you really don’t have time to say, ‘I have to take care of myself.'”

(Photo: dpa)

Camila Cabello27, singer, is no longer addicted to love. As she told the US magazine Billboard said she can accept rejection better today than she used to. “When you’re so young, all you want is acceptance and love, and you can’t understand when you’re not liked,” said Cabello, who became famous 12 years ago as part of the then girl group “Fifth Harmony.” She took people’s negative reactions personally at the time and felt like she was “doing something wrong,” she said. “When you get older, you realize that people’s reactions have nothing to do with you, and you don’t have to take it so personally and let it affect you,” said Cabello. “I’m much more at peace with it now.”

(Photo: dpa)

Johann Lafer66, TV chef, almost swapped the kitchen for the pulpit. “I found the love in the Catholic Church that I didn’t have at home,” he told the radio station RBB 88.8. “The care I experienced there touched me deeply, and I am still grateful for that every day.” But his dream of becoming a priest never came to fruition for economic reasons at home. At first, Lafer experienced few positive emotions in his parents’ house. “At some point my father saw something of mine on TV and started to cry,” said Lafer. “It was only then that he understood and recognized what I was actually doing. That touched me deeply. That shows that honest, heartfelt praise was missing.”

(Photo: Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

Jeremy Renner53, actor, considers a serious accident a personal gift. On New Year’s Day 2023, he was run over by a snow plow in his hometown of Washoe County in the US state of Nevada and was critically injured. “I was very weak on my feet, that’s true,” he said Picture about his recovery. “There were a lot of ups and downs, and I expected that.” About the conclusion he draws from this, he said: “I actually thought I was strong before I crashed. But you never know until you are pushed to your limits. I think I passed this huge test. I consider this experience a wonderful gift.”

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