Celebrities: Gwyneth Paltrow compares Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck’s lovemaking – Panorama

Gwyneth Paltrow, 50, actress, doing the big ex-partner competition. “They were both good kissers,” she said of actors Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck, with whom she dated more than 20 years ago, on the Call Her Daddy podcast. When asked who she had better sex with, Paltrow replied, “It’s really hard. Because Brad was kind of the great chemistry at the time, the love of your life. And then Ben was technically brilliant.” Paltrow was engaged to fellow actor Pitt in the ’90s until they split in 1997. Paltrow later had a relationship with Ben Affleck. Paltrow also compared her two ex-partners on other points: Pitt was more romantic and probably had better style. Affleck was more likely to make her laugh, but she was also more likely to get into arguments with him.

(Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa)

Markus Soder, 56, Bavarian Prime Minister, has power with himself. The “Star Wars” films are not just science fiction or action for him. “It has something religious, something spiritual and ultimately something mythological,” said Söder in a video on Twitter on the occasion of “Star Wars Day”, the unofficial “holiday” of “Star Wars” fans. Söder, a self-confessed fan since his youth, said he had “seen all the films, all the spin-offs” and remained true to the “Star Wars” universe to this day. His favorite character is clearly “good old Yoda”.

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(Photo: Isabel Infantes/dpa)

Jamie Foxx, 55, actor, has sent a message of reassurance. For the first time since a medical emergency three weeks ago, he reported on Instagram. “Appreciate all the love!!! Feel blessed!” wrote Foxx, who the family says has had “medical complications.” His family did not provide any details about Foxx’s health in their statement three weeks ago, but wrote that he was “already on the mend with quick action and good care.”

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(Photo: Maurizio Gambarini/dpa)

Freddie Quinn, 91, singer, spent the wedding night relaxed. On Tuesday he had married his partner Rosi, like her Picture reported. “We’ve known each other for so long. We celebrate our wedding night comfortably in front of the TV,” announced the singer during the wedding. In front of the registrar, he joked that he was a bit hard of hearing. “Please speak up – I don’t have my hearing aids in. But don’t worry, I get what this is about.” The couple have been together for more than ten years.

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(Photo: Drew Gurian/dpa)

Jon Bon Jovi, 61, singer, believes in young love. “I don’t think age matters when you find the right partner and grow together,” he said on Andy Cohen Live. His son Jake Bongiovi, 20, is engaged to actress Millie Bobby Brown, 19. He’s not worried about the age of the two. “My advice: growing together is smart.” All of his children would have found people who they believe can grow together. He finds Millie and her family “wonderful”.

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