Celebrities: Faux pas at meeting between Brigitte Macron and Queen Camilla – Panorama

Brigitte Macron71French First Lady, became violent. At a commemoration ceremony for D-Day in Normandy, Macron laid flowers together with Great Britain’s Queen Camilla at the war memorial “British Normandy Memorial”. When the two women, dressed all in white, paused for a moment, the President’s wife reached for Camilla’s hand. She did not return the gesture, but directed an irritated look at the place where she had been touched. Macron had no choice but to pull her hand back. British tabloid media spoke of an “awkward moment”. The commemorations were planned down to the last detail.

(Photo: Imago/Fairlight / Avalon)

Gigi D’Agostino, 56producer of the hit “L’amour toujours”, stays away from social media. The musician from Turin has not yet seen the video that shows bar-goers on Sylt shouting xenophobic slogans to the melody of the song. “If I know from the outset that something is not good for me, I have no reason to consume it,” said D’Agostino dem MirrorBut the real problem is not Facebook or Tiktok, the musician explained. “The real problem is racism. But without the platforms it would never spread like this.” He thinks it is wrong that his song is no longer played at many events: “They censor a love song out of fear of racists. And they banish me, a foreigner, from the country in this way. It is an absurd, medieval gesture.”

(Photo: Mario Anzuoni/Reuters)

Jon Hamm, 53actor, has ignored the prophecy of a supposed expert. The head of a television station once said to his agents: “This Jon Hamm will never be a television star,” he told the US magazine Hollywood ReporterHe auditioned for this person and this channel over and over again. “It always came down to the last two, me and the person who got the role.” The man is no longer at the helm of the channel, added Hamm, who became known for his role as advertising man Don Draper in the television series “Mad Men.”

(Photo: Britta Pedersen/dpa)

Billie Eilish22US singer, loves Berlin and its vegan food. “I really like the food here. It’s hard for me to eat out – I’m vegan and I think Berlin has always been very welcoming and delicious,” she said at a fan event in Friedrichshain. “There was a place called Emma Pea and they had a burger that I really liked. That was about it.” Eilish signed a prepared wall area on the stairs to the East Side Mall, on which the words “Berlin – you’ve stolen my heart” were already engraved. And added: “Nothing can ever separate us. I am yours forever. I mean it. Billie. I love you.”

(Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa)

Bill Kaulitz34, Tokio Hotelsinger, confirms prejudices about himself. On Tiktok, the musician posted a reel, in which he ironically takes aim at clichés about the reality of gay men’s lives, such as “I like men, of course I drink champagne for breakfast” or “I like men, of course I wear penis slippers in my house”. With the video, Kaulitz supports a promotional campaign by a large dating platform and the Federal Association Lambdawho advocates for young queer people. In a press release, the Leipzig native says: “For years I was told that I should keep my sexuality a secret. I simply realized that having secrets is much more stressful for me than simply being open.”

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