CDU politician Kiesewetter attacked in Aalen during election campaign

Status: 01.06.2024 18:52

Once again, a politician has been attacked in public: CDU member of the Bundestag Roderich Kiesewetter was slightly injured at a polling station. The suspected perpetrator is known to the police.

CDU member of the Bundestag Roderich Kiesewetter was attacked on Saturday morning at a campaign stand in Aalen, Baden-Württemberg. According to a police spokesman, the 60-year-old was “pushed and hit by a man”. The defense expert suffered minor injuries but did not require treatment.

The perpetrator was able to escape, the police spokesman said. The criminal investigation department has taken over the investigation. The police cannot initially provide any information about the background to the attack, but the man is known to the officers.

Repeated attacks on politicians

Recently, there have been repeated attacks on politicians. In Dresden at the beginning of May, the Saxon SPD MEP Matthias Ecke was knocked down and seriously injured. Before that, the suspected perpetrators are said to have attacked a 28-year-old who was putting up election posters for the Green Party.

Berlin’s SPD economics senator Franziska Giffey was slightly injured in an attack with a bag, in Dresden several local Green politicians and campaign workers were aggressively harassed. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, an AfD member of the state parliament was attacked and injured.

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