CDU election campaign: Merkel, Laschet and Söder in the Berlin Tempodrom – politics

Merkel, Laschet, Söder: all three speak at the Union’s election campaign in Berlin’s Tempodrom. Two are convinced that everything will be fine in September. The other is called Markus Söder.


Nico Fried, Berlin

Markus Söder makes it exciting. He’s been speaking twice as long as Angela Merkel took before him for her entire speech. Now finally the CSU chairman comes to the crucial point. He has already spoken to Armin Laschet a couple of times – “We experienced that together, Armin”, “We agree on that, Armin”. But he still hasn’t really got it above spoken to Armin. And about yourself. And how this should actually go on with the two of them after all the taunts of Söder in the past few weeks.


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