Catholic Synodal Path: Reformers recognize gender diversity

Status: 03/11/2023 11:12 a.m

After the decision to allow blessing celebrations for homosexuals, the General Assembly of the Synodal Path launched another reform. The participants advocated the recognition of gender diversity.

The reform forces of the Catholic Synodal Path have spoken out in favor of recognizing gender diversity in the Church. The General Assembly of the Synodal Path adopted a corresponding reform text at its fifth and final session with 170 out of 197 votes. He thus achieved both the two-thirds majority of the delegates and the bishops.

The text recommends that the German bishops allow changes in the baptismal register for transgender and intersex people and ensure spiritual accompaniment for these people that is characterized by acceptance. However, the text is also addressed to the top of the Catholic Church in Rome. Pope Francis is asked to ensure that transgender and intersex people in the Church can live their lives and their faith without prejudice, without hostility and without discrimination.

This was preceded by a sometimes emotionally charged discussion – especially since a basic text on a similar topic failed at the fourth synodal assembly last autumn due to the veto of the bishops. While isolated bishops spoke critically of “gender ideology”, others described themselves as learners.

Recognizing diversity is a human right

The theologian and ethicist Andreas Lob-Hüdepohl said the aim of the text was to establish a “mindful, appreciative approach to gender diversity”. The professor of theological ethics, who also sits on the German Ethics Council, emphasized that treating gender diversity with respect and respect is a human right, but also a Christian duty.

The medical ethicist Christiane Woopen, who is the former chairwoman of the German Ethics Council, had also campaigned for support. The text has a “deep, existential connection to human dignity”.

The delegate Mara Klein had appealed to the courage of the bishops before the vote. She said the bishops should muster up the courage that she, as an affected person, struggles to find on a daily basis. In the past three years she has often asked herself whether she has the strength to continue on the synodal path.

Bishop Felix Genn of Münster admitted in the debate before the vote that he had never had to deal with this topic before the synodal path. So a lot of it is new to him.

Participants of the synodal assembly in the conference room in Frankfurt.

Image: dpa

Blessing celebrations for homosexuals

Yesterday in Frankfurt/Main, the Synodal Assembly for the Reform of the Catholic Church decided to celebrate official blessings for homosexual couples. A working group is now to be formed that will create a handout for the blessing celebrations “promptly”. The handout is intended to specify how the blessing celebrations should take place. As soon as this handout is ready, every bishop can implement the blessing celebrations in his diocese. In 2026 there will then be an evaluation of the experiences.

The chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, Georg Bätzing, then explained in the ZDF “heute journal” that he saw no danger of a schism in the church following the reform decisions. “It’s a portent that’s being invoked again and again (…) We don’t talk about it, we don’t want it, and we will remain in unity with the great Catholic Church in the world.”

When asked whether the synodal assembly was disregarding the pope, Bätzing replied: “First of all, one has to say that the practice of blessing exists and we want to bring it to light. That means that we bishops position ourselves and say: It’s good that we’re doing that. What’s good in a relationship between two people in a partnership can also get God’s blessing. It’s only logical.”

The reform process should restore trust

According to the statutes, the Catholic reform dialogue Synodal Weg ended on Saturday for the time being. The reform process was launched in 2019 by the Catholic German Bishops’ Conference and the Central Committee of German Catholics in order to find ways out of the crisis of confidence caused by the abuse scandals.

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