Cases of avian flu confirmed by the prefecture in the department

The first was detected in a barnyard, in the town of Grainville-la-Teinturière, about fifteen kilometers east of Fécamp. The second concerns a farm in La Bellière, near Forges-les-Eaux. The prefecture of Seine-Maritime indicates that “two cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 have just been confirmed” in the department, reports
Paris Normandy.

To prevent the epizootic from spreading, the two foci were “depopulated”, in other words the birds were slaughtered on 4 and 5 February. Farms have also been “cleaned and disinfected”.

Breeders and individuals in the sector called for the greatest vigilance

A prefectural decree has been issued to define a temporary control zone. It concerns 62 municipalities in the Pays de Caux, in which sensitive birds will be closely monitored. Breeders and individuals in the sector are called upon to be extremely vigilant. The prefecture asks them to shelter their poultry and to contact the departmental directorate for the protection of populations ([email protected]) “in the event of mortality and abnormal clinical signs”.

A third Norman case of avian flu was made official in the same summer, indicates West France. In the Channel this time. A sick Shelduck was spotted in Saint-Jean-le-Thomas at the end of January. Analyzes were carried out and confirmed contamination with avian influenza.

According to a latest census by the ministry, France has 328 households in farms, including 218 in the Landes, in the heart of foie gras country, where mass slaughter has been organized.

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