Carla Bruni poses topless under the lens of Nicolas Sarkozy… Mark Wahlberg remained naked for 12 hours on the set of “Me Time: Finally alone? »…

August 26, 2022

Mark Wahlberg stayed naked for 12 hours on the set of “Me Time Finally alone? »

Mark Wahlberg had to spend an entire day in Adam’s outfit on the set of Me Time: finally alone? And no, it’s not a film taking place in a nudist camp, and it wasn’t a torrid scene either since the actor gave the reply to… Kevin Hart! “Unfortunately for me, the day lasted a total of 12 hours on the Long Beach pier. And once in a while someone would give me a bathrobe or something, but it wasn’t comfortable,” Mark Wahlberg told E! News.

It remains to be seen whether the director had fun replaying the scene more than reason!

Carla Bruni poses topless under the lens of Nicolas Sarkozy

Chris Martin drew a fan’s tattoo

While going to the Coldplay concert at Wembley Stadium in London on August 20, Mattie Jolley, a hardcore fan of the group, hoped to attract the attention of Chris Martin to submit a rather delirious request. On a sign, he asked the singer to make him a drawing for a future tattoo! Seeing this, the British artist did not hesitate and came down from the stage in the middle of Fix youto come and scribble something in a few seconds on the paper handed to him by his fan.

Strangely, if Mattie Jolley shared a video of this incredible moment, he preferred to keep for himself the drawing that he must now get a tattoo!

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